Instant Karma Does Happen, and Boy is it Cool!
Most people believe that good things happen to good people, and if you do good things good things will happen to you.
For the most part this is probably true actually, and if you think about positive things then generally positive things happen in your life.
There is a saying that I like to repeat which I think is pretty funny and it goes something like this although I don't know the exact words; "Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people, and crap [that's a substitute word obviously] just happens to everyone.
" Not only do I like that fun quote because it speaks to Karma, when I consider this, but I also realize that sometimes people get instant Karma.
In other words, they do something nice for someone, perhaps a random act of kindness, and all of a sudden something good happens to them, something totally out of the blue.
How can that be? The reality is we've all had this experience and it is rather cool when it happens to us.
Why not do this sometime if you were walking along the sidewalk and you see trash, pick it up.
If you have to, chase it down and stop it with your foot from blowing away.
And then deposit it in the nearest trash can.
This is something you can do to test this theory.
Then go on your merry way and expect something good to happen to you, and see if it does.
And when it does you will understand that instant Karma actually does happen, and boy is it cool when it does.
Please consider all this.
For the most part this is probably true actually, and if you think about positive things then generally positive things happen in your life.
There is a saying that I like to repeat which I think is pretty funny and it goes something like this although I don't know the exact words; "Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people, and crap [that's a substitute word obviously] just happens to everyone.
" Not only do I like that fun quote because it speaks to Karma, when I consider this, but I also realize that sometimes people get instant Karma.
In other words, they do something nice for someone, perhaps a random act of kindness, and all of a sudden something good happens to them, something totally out of the blue.
How can that be? The reality is we've all had this experience and it is rather cool when it happens to us.
Why not do this sometime if you were walking along the sidewalk and you see trash, pick it up.
If you have to, chase it down and stop it with your foot from blowing away.
And then deposit it in the nearest trash can.
This is something you can do to test this theory.
Then go on your merry way and expect something good to happen to you, and see if it does.
And when it does you will understand that instant Karma actually does happen, and boy is it cool when it does.
Please consider all this.