Puberty and How It Changes You
Puberty is period in any young person's life when sudden and dramatic changes are happening with their bodies and minds.
Body parts are growing, voice is changing and behavior to.
It begins at the age of 12 -13 for the boys and a bit earlier for the girls and it lasts till the age of 17-18.
In puberty changes happens overnight, body parts grows disproportionately to the rest of it and young people are often frustrated.
These changes are result of rapid secretion of hormones from the various glances and sex hormones are dominant: male testosterone and female estrogen.
Hormones influence many activities in the human body and brain as well.
It is perfectly normal and it happens to any one sooner or later as he or she is maturing.
Sex hormones are making our sex attributes to be more and more visible, girls get their first period and boys are starting to produce sperm.
In puberty you will start to take more attention to your body and you will be in front of the mirror much more often than before.
You will develop attitudes, change moods, you will think everybody is against you or dull, parents will start getting on your nerves, you may neglect school and you may lose your appetite.
You will start to listen to loud music and many other new things will happened that hasn't happened before.
In one moment you will behave like a child and like adult in the next one.
Your friends will experience these changes too but in the other tempo.
It is all normal in puberty.
Although hormones are to blame for many things it doesn't mean that you don't have responsibility for your actions.
It is important to be aware of those changes so you would think that something unusual is happening to you or that you are going mad.
Be patient and things will be better real soon.
Your current problems will be funny someday, treat them as challenges that need to be overcame.
And again, all that is happening to you is perfectly natural and normal For females, it will happen that you are not happy with your looks or your figure and that you spend much time in the bathroom or in front of the mirror.
You will think that you are fatter than you should be.
You will get zits and will grow hair around and above your vagina.
Your breasts will grow too and you will get your first period.
(See section about period).
You will fall in and out of love quickly and you will be nervous.
You will fight with your parents and think that no one understands or loves you.
For males, you will grow hair all over your body, your voice will go deeper and your penis will grow.
People around you will start getting on your nerves.
You will get in and out of love quickly and fight your parents.
You may get more aggressive.
Zits that appears on human body during puberty has nothing to do with lack of sex as kids like to teas one another but blood is purifying itself because of sudden hormone reactions which happen in your body.
They can be caused by bad diet especially if you eat a lot of candy or greasy food.
Zits also may appear by the lack of personal hygiene.
If you are over 18 and out of puberty don't be embraced or to think that this book is not for you but for some kids.
I will remind you again, 1 000 000 people at the age of 25-40 are virgins so don't be ashamed.
Body parts are growing, voice is changing and behavior to.
It begins at the age of 12 -13 for the boys and a bit earlier for the girls and it lasts till the age of 17-18.
In puberty changes happens overnight, body parts grows disproportionately to the rest of it and young people are often frustrated.
These changes are result of rapid secretion of hormones from the various glances and sex hormones are dominant: male testosterone and female estrogen.
Hormones influence many activities in the human body and brain as well.
It is perfectly normal and it happens to any one sooner or later as he or she is maturing.
Sex hormones are making our sex attributes to be more and more visible, girls get their first period and boys are starting to produce sperm.
In puberty you will start to take more attention to your body and you will be in front of the mirror much more often than before.
You will develop attitudes, change moods, you will think everybody is against you or dull, parents will start getting on your nerves, you may neglect school and you may lose your appetite.
You will start to listen to loud music and many other new things will happened that hasn't happened before.
In one moment you will behave like a child and like adult in the next one.
Your friends will experience these changes too but in the other tempo.
It is all normal in puberty.
Although hormones are to blame for many things it doesn't mean that you don't have responsibility for your actions.
It is important to be aware of those changes so you would think that something unusual is happening to you or that you are going mad.
Be patient and things will be better real soon.
Your current problems will be funny someday, treat them as challenges that need to be overcame.
And again, all that is happening to you is perfectly natural and normal For females, it will happen that you are not happy with your looks or your figure and that you spend much time in the bathroom or in front of the mirror.
You will think that you are fatter than you should be.
You will get zits and will grow hair around and above your vagina.
Your breasts will grow too and you will get your first period.
(See section about period).
You will fall in and out of love quickly and you will be nervous.
You will fight with your parents and think that no one understands or loves you.
For males, you will grow hair all over your body, your voice will go deeper and your penis will grow.
People around you will start getting on your nerves.
You will get in and out of love quickly and fight your parents.
You may get more aggressive.
Zits that appears on human body during puberty has nothing to do with lack of sex as kids like to teas one another but blood is purifying itself because of sudden hormone reactions which happen in your body.
They can be caused by bad diet especially if you eat a lot of candy or greasy food.
Zits also may appear by the lack of personal hygiene.
If you are over 18 and out of puberty don't be embraced or to think that this book is not for you but for some kids.
I will remind you again, 1 000 000 people at the age of 25-40 are virgins so don't be ashamed.