Get Your Ex Back - 3 Important Things You Need To Start Doing To Get Your Ex Back
It feels like no matter how hard you try, and no matter what you seem to do like buying gifts, calling and text messaging, your ex just won't give you the time of day.
Sound familiar at all? I am sure it does, because it was once my story as well.
If you want any fighting chance at all, you will take what I have to say to heart.
Here are three very important things you must start doing today if you want your ex back.
Stop trying so hard to get your ex back Crazy as it may sound, the harder you fight to get your ex back, then the more resistance you will encounter.
Here is what I mean - you are calling and calling, begging and pleading and it is getting you nowhere, want to know why? It's because your ex is getting fed up with it and annoyed.
Your ex is giving you resistance because you are coming out of the gate so hard and in your face.
You need to tone down the calls and begging - starting today.
Stop looking at this from your point of view Ego check - it isn't all about you.
The turning point in my breakup that helped me to turn the corner, and start really winning my ex back, was when I realized that I was looking at things from only my perspective.
Once I started to see things from my ex's point of view, I shifted my thinking and shifted my actions.
If the shoe was on the other foot, I am sure you would hate to get calls all the time asking you to work things out, or getting unexpected visits from your ex trying to talk things out.
Put your ex first to get your ex back I truly believe in this.
If you put your ex first and put his or her feelings before your own, then you will ultimately come out on the winning end.
Your ex will start to see that you really do care and are really trying to make an effort to work things out.
Putting others first in any kind of reconciliation will lead to success on your behalf.
The only thing left is for you to commit and take the action necessary.