How to Install Concrete Borders
- 1). Plan out the location of the concrete border carefully. Because the precast concrete border pieces are semi-permanent, be diligent in putting them in the proper places. Lay out the concrete pieces in their designated places.
- 2). Dig a trench as wide as the precast concrete border and deep enough to leave only 1 to 2 inches of the border visible above the ground at the corner locations. Use a shovel or straight spade to complete this task.
- 3). Set the corner pieces first, tamping them down with a hammer as needed to ensure they are level. Run a chalk line from one corner to the other to designate where the straight pieces of concrete border should be placed. Dig the straight sections of the trenches, following the chalk lines.
- 4). Position a straight piece of concrete border in place next to the corner piece, fitting the tongues and grooves together to secure the pieces. Ensure that the connected pieces are level, using a builder's level. Add or remove dirt under each section as needed.
- 5). Continue in this manner until all the concrete border pieces in position. Fill in the gaps near the concrete border with the soil dug from the trench, pressing the dirt firmly against the concrete border on both sides.