How to Make & Color Bricks
- 1). Make a mold for the desired size concrete brick. For example, measure, mark and cut a piece of 1- by 4-inch lumber into three pieces 7 1/2-inches long and two pieces 2-inches long.
- 2). Position two 7 1/2-inch boards and the two 2-inch boards to make a rectangle 3 1/2-inches tall and 3 1/2-inches wide. Secure the boards together with two wood screws on each end of the 7 1/2-inch boards.
- 3). Sit the rectangle on a flat, stable work surface. Place the last 7 1/2-inch board on top of the rectangle to form a box. Secure the board in place with wood screws. Flip the box over so the open side of the rectangle is on top.
- 4). Apply a coat of wax to the inside of the box. Pay special attention to the joints of the wood. Fill the seams with wax. Allow the wax to dry for 30 minutes.
- 5). Place two cups of dry concrete mix in a plastic ice cream container. Add 1/8 cup dry concrete coloring. Mix dry contents in the container. Add more coloring if desired.
- 6). Pour two cups of water into the plastic container. Mix the water and the dry concrete mix thoroughly. The texture will be that of thick pudding. Add more water if needed.
- 7). Scoop the mixture into the wooden brick mold. Fill the mold until it is 3/4s full. Pick up the mold on both ends and tap gently on a flat surface five to ten times. This removes any air bubbles in the mix. Fill the remainder of the mold. Tap to remove any bubbles.
- 8). Allow the mold to sit in a warm, sunny, dry location for ten minutes. Look at the surface of the brick to see if it is still shiny. Check the hardness of the brick if the shine is gone. Tap the surface of the brick with your fingernail. Check to see if your nail breaks through the surface of the concrete. Remove the brick from the form if your nail does not break through the surface.
- 9). Place your hand over the concrete brick. Turn the brick mold over and shake slightly. The brick will fall from the waxed mold. Place the brick on a flat dry surface to finish curing.