Food Nutritional Profile of Lavender Flowers
- Fresh lavender contains linalyl acetate, linalol, geraniol, cineole, limonene and sesquiterpenes. It contains no fat and very few calories.
- Lavender can be taken orally, up to three times a day. Fill a mug with one teaspoonful of dried lavender and pour over it 1 cup of steaming hot water. You do not have to strain the tea. Let the mixture steep for 10 minutes before drinking.
- For depression, some have combined lavender with the herbs rosemary, kola or skullcap.
- For headaches, some have combined lavender with the herbs lady's slipper or valerian.
- Do not ingest lavender oil. Instead, you can inhale it (using an oil infuser), massage it into your skin or add it to a bath.
How To Take