DIY Boat Rack
- 1). Lay two of the 5-foot posts on the ground, parallel to each other with 4-feet between them. Lay two of the 4-foot lengths of lumber perpendicular to and on top of them to make a 4-foot by 4-foot square frame, with 1-foot of post extending beyond the square on one side. Screw the four pieces in place, and repeat with the remaining two 5-foot posts and two 4-foot lengths.
- 2). Make an X-shape in each wooden square, using two of the 6-foot lengths of lumber for each square. Drill each X in place, and saw off any excess lumber extending beyond the square corners. You should now have two 4-foot square frames with crossed center braces and 1-foot of post sticking up from the top of either end.
- 3). Stand the frames up (posts pointed toward the sky) parallel to each other with 8 feet in between them. Use either a tree or another person to help keep them standing. Screw the midpoints of four of the 8-foot lengths of lumber onto their base sides, so that 16-feet of lumber runs along the ground on either side to hold the frames in place. Use small pieces of wood scraps to attach the 8-foot lengths to each other with the drill and screws.
- 4). Screw the two12-foot lengths to the tops of the frame sides (one foot beneath the post tops), parallel to the attached 8-foot lengths. Be sure that the 12-foot lengths are centered on the 4-foot by 8-foot rectangle, and extend 2 feet beyond each frame side. Either end of the entire structure should have 4 feet of lumber extending at either side of the bottom, and two feet of lumber extending from either side of the top.
- 5). Attach the top excess lengths to the bottom ones on both sides and ends with 4 diagonally placed lengths of 8-foot lumber. Saw off excess diagonal lumber extending above the top 12-foot length.
- 6). Saw the one remaining 8-foot length in half, and screw each 4-foot piece into the ends of the extended lengths at the base. This will provide extra support with a 4-foot square frame that sits on the ground at either end of the complete structure. Boats can be placed upside down over the 5 foot post tops for storage.