Is Bougainvillea Toxic?
- Bougainvillea is listed as a non-toxic plant, according to the University of Iowa Health Care. Ingestion of bougainvillea is not expected to cause symptoms of plant poisoning in humans or animals.
- Ingesting any type of plant can cause adverse effects in animals and humans, even though they are nontoxic. Symptoms such as an allergic reaction, skin rash or vomiting can occur with plant ingestion or handling. Placing plants in the mouth is a cause of choking in children.
- Even though bougainvillea is not toxic, children should be taught to never place berries, leaves, seeds or flowers in their mouths. Any child or pet that has symptoms from handling or ingesting bougainvillea, should be evaluated by a medical professional. Take a piece of the suspected plant with you to the doctor for plant identification.