Simple And Effective Ways To Prevent And Get Rid Of Acne Forever
Acne is one of the most common skin disorder in the world.
If you want to get rid of acne forever, you have to know what really works on acne.
This article will show you some of the best tips I have found out during my combat against acne.
- Understand The Causes Of Acne There are some major factors that cause acne.
If you know these factors, you will have a more proper solution to tackle your acne condition.
The major causes of acne include; 1.
Excessive sebum production.
Excess oil in your pores will clog your pores.
Excessive secretion of androgen.
Androgen will stimulate and increase the production of sebum/oil on your skin.
Bacteria infection.
Acne causing bacterias are all over our face even you don't have acne.
That just means that your skin does not provide the best place for them to live in.
This is also a goal you need to pursue if you want to treat acne - Make sure your skin is not a place those bacterias like.
- Stop acne from developing You must treat the whiteheads and the blackheads immediately.
Most branded products use benzoyl peroxide as their main active ingredient.
I don't think benzoyl peroxide is good for acne because it's extremely drying.
Choose tea tree oil instead.
It kills those acne causing bacterias effectively before an infection occurs.
- Hygiene Still Matters A Lot Don't scratch or pick your skin.
If possible, do not touch your skin that often if you have acne.
Hands get into contact with a lot of germs and bacterias as well as dirt and grimes during the day.
By making sure you wash your hand regularly, you can prevent any zits from developing on your skin.
- Stress Stress is the main aggravating and irritating booster of acne.
Your stress level will affect the acne condition of your skin.
Stress can be easy or difficult to handle.
Sometimes you can get very depressed about acne.
Prevent getting stressed up by doing more exercise and socialize more often.
If you want to get rid of acne forever, you have to know what really works on acne.
This article will show you some of the best tips I have found out during my combat against acne.
- Understand The Causes Of Acne There are some major factors that cause acne.
If you know these factors, you will have a more proper solution to tackle your acne condition.
The major causes of acne include; 1.
Excessive sebum production.
Excess oil in your pores will clog your pores.
Excessive secretion of androgen.
Androgen will stimulate and increase the production of sebum/oil on your skin.
Bacteria infection.
Acne causing bacterias are all over our face even you don't have acne.
That just means that your skin does not provide the best place for them to live in.
This is also a goal you need to pursue if you want to treat acne - Make sure your skin is not a place those bacterias like.
- Stop acne from developing You must treat the whiteheads and the blackheads immediately.
Most branded products use benzoyl peroxide as their main active ingredient.
I don't think benzoyl peroxide is good for acne because it's extremely drying.
Choose tea tree oil instead.
It kills those acne causing bacterias effectively before an infection occurs.
- Hygiene Still Matters A Lot Don't scratch or pick your skin.
If possible, do not touch your skin that often if you have acne.
Hands get into contact with a lot of germs and bacterias as well as dirt and grimes during the day.
By making sure you wash your hand regularly, you can prevent any zits from developing on your skin.
- Stress Stress is the main aggravating and irritating booster of acne.
Your stress level will affect the acne condition of your skin.
Stress can be easy or difficult to handle.
Sometimes you can get very depressed about acne.
Prevent getting stressed up by doing more exercise and socialize more often.