Alcohol Facts
Drinking beer has already been with us ever since before us we're born.
When we say "let's drink to it", it normally means "let's celebrate and have a beer".
The alcoholic beverage is a socializing method for others and an addiction for some.
Drinkers become younger and younger every year even though they know they're not allowed.
Alcohol consumption is a stress reliever and a past time for other people.
Sometimes people drink out of happiness, loneliness, anxiety and so forth.
I drank whenever there's a special gathering.
I typed the word special because I don't want to drink too much.
The last time I got drunk so bad, I was depressed.
I ended up kicking the birthday boy on his hamstring.
Thankfully he accepted my apology.
Alcohol can be a hazard to anyone who'll take in too much of it.
It can damage our organs if we consume it day after day.
There's a short term and long term effect behind it.
Short term effects include body coordination is decreased.
You'll feel drowsiness and the balance is so off that you'll fall with just simple a push.
The reflex is decreased that can lead to road accidents if you're a driver.
Some can have hallucinations and some tend to have uncontrollable actions that lead to things that you didn't know you're capable of doing.
The long term effect of alcohol can include damage to the heart, liver, brain and the critical organs in our body.
There are sleeping orders and cancers that are linked to this beverage as well.
Alcohol is a depressant that intensifies whatever you're feeling.
If you're happy, it intensifies you're positive feeling.
However if you're feeling depressed and took a depressant, it becomes a heavier feeling.
I experienced being drunk and I mouthed off everything that I normally don't tell.
Even though I'm not coordinated, I still wanted to get into a fight for a dumb reason.
A cousin of mine got into an accident when riding a motorcycle.
He crashed as soon as he turned and had scars on his face for at least one month.
A middle aged man got beaten up because he hit another guy's girlfriend.
The next day he said sorry because his actions clearly weren't controlled.
Learning from what has happened, it's never bad to drink up and socialize with other people.
What's wrong here is if you drank alcohol without any limits for yourself.
When we say "let's drink to it", it normally means "let's celebrate and have a beer".
The alcoholic beverage is a socializing method for others and an addiction for some.
Drinkers become younger and younger every year even though they know they're not allowed.
Alcohol consumption is a stress reliever and a past time for other people.
Sometimes people drink out of happiness, loneliness, anxiety and so forth.
I drank whenever there's a special gathering.
I typed the word special because I don't want to drink too much.
The last time I got drunk so bad, I was depressed.
I ended up kicking the birthday boy on his hamstring.
Thankfully he accepted my apology.
Alcohol can be a hazard to anyone who'll take in too much of it.
It can damage our organs if we consume it day after day.
There's a short term and long term effect behind it.
Short term effects include body coordination is decreased.
You'll feel drowsiness and the balance is so off that you'll fall with just simple a push.
The reflex is decreased that can lead to road accidents if you're a driver.
Some can have hallucinations and some tend to have uncontrollable actions that lead to things that you didn't know you're capable of doing.
The long term effect of alcohol can include damage to the heart, liver, brain and the critical organs in our body.
There are sleeping orders and cancers that are linked to this beverage as well.
Alcohol is a depressant that intensifies whatever you're feeling.
If you're happy, it intensifies you're positive feeling.
However if you're feeling depressed and took a depressant, it becomes a heavier feeling.
I experienced being drunk and I mouthed off everything that I normally don't tell.
Even though I'm not coordinated, I still wanted to get into a fight for a dumb reason.
A cousin of mine got into an accident when riding a motorcycle.
He crashed as soon as he turned and had scars on his face for at least one month.
A middle aged man got beaten up because he hit another guy's girlfriend.
The next day he said sorry because his actions clearly weren't controlled.
Learning from what has happened, it's never bad to drink up and socialize with other people.
What's wrong here is if you drank alcohol without any limits for yourself.