Children Activities on God Creating Earth in Six Days
- This project requires yellow construction paper, staples or a hole punch, and yarn, crayons and coloring pages for the second through the sixth days of creation. As you tell the story of each of the six days, hand out the coloring sheets and crayons. When the children have completed the pages, use the yellow construction paper for the front and back covers. Staple the student's booklets together. The yellow cover is to reinforce the first day's creation, "Let there be light." Ask for volunteers to share their books and tell the story of creation.
- Storyboards are a wonderful way to visually reinforce a story to build the tale without turning pages. Use a pre-made storyboard, foam board covered with flannel or cardboard. Use tape, velcro or straight pins to secure the illustrations to the board. Cut out six large circles. The first circle will be half yellow and half black. The second circle will show water and sky. The third circle will show land. The fourth circle will show the sun, moon and some stars. The fifth circle will show fish in the ocean and birds in the sky. The sixth circle will show land animals and Adam and Eve. As you tell the story, place the next day's illustration on top of the last.
- Have students create a diorama of the world on the seventh day. This project for older students can be done as a homework assignment or completed in the classroom over a week or two. Shoe boxes, construction paper, drawing paper, pencils, crayons, glue and string will be needed. Students can use old magazines for illustrations or draw their own.
- Use props and let your students help teach the story of creation by having six of them portray the first six days. A little rehearsal time will be needed, but the teacher or one of the students will be doing all the narrating. Use large paper plates as backgrounds for the images of days two through six, and craft sticks as handles. Line up the five students helping you so that the first is at your side, the second behind her and so on. A sixth student is posted at the light switch. Have all other students sitting at their desks. Tell the student at the switch to turn out the light. Say, "Let there be light." This is the student's clue to turn the lights on. As you tell the story, have each student stand in the center of the room. As the next day is described, have the previous student move left or right.
Book of Coloring Pages
Paper Plate Storytelling