What Are Solar Pools?
- Solar pool heating systems work relatively simply. Anyone who has turned on a garden hose lying in the summer sun will understand the basic premise: The residual water in the hose will be quite hot thanks to the warming rays of the sun. Solar pool heating systems work in the same way. Solar collectors, a series of rubber tubes contained within glass-enclosed frames, are installed on the roof or some other strategic place on the property. The installer plumbs the collectors into the pool's circulation system, where sensors determine whether the temperature of the water in the collectors is higher than the pool water and can automatically divert the water back to the vessel when necessary.
- Solar heating systems are still relatively new to the swimming pool industry as of 2011. Codes, requirements and licensing can vary wildly -- not just from state to state but from municipality to municipality. While some companies exist solely to install these products, Solar system manufacturers often work in tandem with pool builders because they already have a relationship with the client. These pool builders will have the proper expertise and certification (if needed) to install a solar system properly. Whoever you choose to install the system, check to ensure the company has experience in both installation and maintenance and has the proper licenses and certification if required. Contact your building department for information on local requirements.
- As of 2011, the No. 1 application of solar power in the United States is heating swimming pools, says FlaSola. However, within the industry itself, the method still lags behind traditional gas-powered heaters. This lag may have resulted from the disparate training, certification and licensing requirements that can prove off-putting to some contractors. Liability issues can intimidate potential installers as well, however. Solar system panels are typically installed on the roof. Contractors worry about putting holes in the roof, which could lead to lawsuit-inducing leaks. Additionally, pool contractors used to working with both feet firmly planted on the ground may find working at higher elevations less palatable.
- Solar pool covers work best in tandem with another heating system, such as solar panels, to help reduce pool water heat loss and evaporation. While any type of a pool cover will reduce heat loss, solar covers incorporate plastic composites and resemble packing material. They diffuse light and absorb thermal energy that helps warm the water.
How they Work
Who Installs Them
The Market
Solar Pool Covers