12 of the Top Colleges and Universities in California
UCSD (University of California at San Diego)
- Location: San Diego, California
- Enrollment: 26,247 (21,369 undergraduates)
- Type of Institution: public research university
- Distinctions: chapter of Phi Beta Kappafor strengths in the liberal arts and sciences; membership in the Association of American Universities for research strengths; part of the University of California system; one of the top-ranked public universities in the country; one of the top-ranked engineering schools
- For more information and admissions data, visit the UCSD profile
- GPA, SAT and ACT graph for UCSD
USC (University of Southern California)
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Enrollment: 33,408 (16,384 undergraduates)
- Type of Institution: private research university
- Distinctions: member of the Association of American Universities for its research strengths; chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for strengths in the liberal arts and sciences; over 130 majors to choose from; member of the NCAA Division I Pac 12 Conference
- Explore the Campus:USC Photo Tour
- For more information and admissions data, visit the USC profile
- GPA, SAT and ACT graph for USC
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