Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend? How You Can See Right Through Him
The first thing to look for is whether or not he is taking initiative to connect with you.
Is he calling you back or are you having to chase him? Is he wanting to go out and to spend time with you alone or are you only seeing him when he happens to be in the same place? All of these are indicators as to whether or not be wants to be your girlfriend.
The second this to look for is some kind of attempts to impress you.
Men are more apt to try to impress you with the things they have accomplished than anything else.
If you find that he is bragging or saying things that he thinks might impress you then you can be assured that he is interested in you.
Finally, you can actually flirt with him and check his responses.
The best way to do this is with touch.
He may shrink away a few times but if you persist he will either relax and welcome it or do something to get you to stop.
Either way, this is going to help you to learn for sure what his intentions are.
If you find yourself wanting to know if he wants to be your girlfriend then go over this list and look for the signs.
Soon enough his intentions will become clear.