Ideas For Throwing A Fourth Of July Party With An On Ground Pool
The Fourth of July is just around the corner and people are starting to plan their parties and events. Planning a party doesn't have to tedious or stressful so we are going to go over a few basic things that will ease your mind and hopefully make your holiday more enjoyable. Having an on ground pool is an added bonus to a party so make sure you use it if you have it.
First off make sure you clean the inside and outside of your house. People will likely not just sit outside all day and will want to be indoors so being prepared in this regard is a good idea.
Make sure to have snacks and food purchased before the party. Things like hotdogs and hamburgers are great party food but you will want chips, fruit, salads, and maybe some desert. A good way to cover these things is have people bring something with them potluck style to avoid a hefty bill.
It's the Fourth of July so you must have fireworks. Having chairs set up and a place to set off some basic fountains or at least sparklers is important. You will want to make sure that you have a bucket of water or two for sparklers or fireworks gone bad. For anyone who owns an on ground pool, make sure that you cover it before firework time even if you are not throwing a party. Fishing out bottle rockets and such the next day is not fun nor is it very good for the chemistry of your pool.
Be prepared with sunscreen and insect repellant. During the day the sun is intense and at night the bugs like to bite so having both will ensure that there are not issues.
Decorating an on ground pool for a pool party can be tricky. One of the best things to do is use festive balloons and streamers in the pool area to make sure no one forgets it's a party. Adding pool floats that are on theme are not a bad idea either. Add some coloring such as red or blue to your pool to spice up the party a bit. Another idea is to make or buy popsicles to ensure that the children that are there do not become dehydrated. Getting them to drink water would be ideal but that can be difficult so any is better than none.
Throwing a party should never be stressful; more so with it is a on ground pool party. It should be an event for everyone to relax at and have fun. The Fourth of July is a big event and can be fantastic but you need to make sure you plan ahead and are safe. Errant fireworks can burn holes in the lining of your pool as well as be frustrating to fish out the next day so remembering to cover your pool is a good idea. Pool stores in Michigan can help you find a cover if you need one and remember to be safe!
First off make sure you clean the inside and outside of your house. People will likely not just sit outside all day and will want to be indoors so being prepared in this regard is a good idea.
Make sure to have snacks and food purchased before the party. Things like hotdogs and hamburgers are great party food but you will want chips, fruit, salads, and maybe some desert. A good way to cover these things is have people bring something with them potluck style to avoid a hefty bill.
It's the Fourth of July so you must have fireworks. Having chairs set up and a place to set off some basic fountains or at least sparklers is important. You will want to make sure that you have a bucket of water or two for sparklers or fireworks gone bad. For anyone who owns an on ground pool, make sure that you cover it before firework time even if you are not throwing a party. Fishing out bottle rockets and such the next day is not fun nor is it very good for the chemistry of your pool.
Be prepared with sunscreen and insect repellant. During the day the sun is intense and at night the bugs like to bite so having both will ensure that there are not issues.
Decorating an on ground pool for a pool party can be tricky. One of the best things to do is use festive balloons and streamers in the pool area to make sure no one forgets it's a party. Adding pool floats that are on theme are not a bad idea either. Add some coloring such as red or blue to your pool to spice up the party a bit. Another idea is to make or buy popsicles to ensure that the children that are there do not become dehydrated. Getting them to drink water would be ideal but that can be difficult so any is better than none.
Throwing a party should never be stressful; more so with it is a on ground pool party. It should be an event for everyone to relax at and have fun. The Fourth of July is a big event and can be fantastic but you need to make sure you plan ahead and are safe. Errant fireworks can burn holes in the lining of your pool as well as be frustrating to fish out the next day so remembering to cover your pool is a good idea. Pool stores in Michigan can help you find a cover if you need one and remember to be safe!