Signs of a Relationship Breaking Up
fun thing that has ever happened to you and now something
"feels" different? Does your partner not give you the same
amount or the same kind of attention you used to get? Has
your partners attitude changed? Has your sex life changed?
All of these things could be early warning signs that your
relationship is in trouble and in need of repair. If you
want to reverse this troubling trend you'll need to be
proactive and develop a plan to save your relationship.
Usually you can tell if something "feels" different in your
everyday life. Maybe your partner used to come in and give
you a kiss, but doesn't anymore. Maybe your partner
doesn't engage in conversation with you as often or ignores
you and has other interests that get a lot more attention.
While these things may be attributed to stress, boredom or
some other is important to address them right
away and get to the bottom of the lifestyle change. Once
you do that you'll know what your next step should be, you'll be taking your power back and open up choices...stay and work on it or leave and pursue other interests.
If your partners attitude has changed towards everyone in the house and the attitude is one of anger and everything becomes your may have a problem you need to deal with. Don't wait, address the attitude change right away.
If your sex life changes or your partner has changed his/her grooming habits you may have a problem. Remember, there could be a perfectly good explanation for these personality changes. It is always better to communicate with your partner and address the changes rather than act emotionally and find out later that there was a good explanation.