Use Unfair Advantage to Make an Ex Want You Back - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Through the use of Anchors, embedded commands and eliciting, plus many more 'tools', you can make an ex want you back.
I will teach you the most effective ways to use these tools (from scratch).
Just be warned that they are extremely powerful tools and should not be taken lightly.
Eliciting is when you bring out an emotion or state in someone.
If you want to make an ex want you back, this is a great starting point.
You can do this, for example, by chatting to them about great moments you both shared whilst together.
Ask him or her what their favourite moment with you was.
Then anchor that state.
Anchors are used to link two things together, for example: every time I ask you to do something I know you will do, I touch my left arm.
I do this every time, then perhaps I will ask you something that you would not normally do, and touch my left arm.
You are 78% more likely to do it, because you link the state of compliance with the touching of my left arm subconsciously.
You can use this to make an ex want you back by eliciting a state of happiness (previous paragraph) and anchoring it to yourself.
Embedded commands take much longer to learn how to do effectively, but increase the potency of NLP when used in conjunction with Eliciting and anchoring.
When we talk we use three different groups of inflection.
The upward inflection we may use for a question, a downwards for a command, and a steady one for a statement.
Say the following to you: 'We were good together, weren't we.
' And then say the following: We were good together, weren't we?' Notice the difference? It is both a statement and question, even though the words are the same.
You can secretly swap words around to make commands directly to their subconscious, for example 'I know we were good together, however I do admire the fact that, in your mine, perhaps you needed a change in direction? Well I accept that.
' By using a downward inflection and dropping your voice tone slightly on the underlined words, you are speaking to their subconscious 'We were good together' and 'your mine'.
In their heads, however, they will hear nothing but good praise.
You may ask if saying 'your mine' to them will trigger a defensive streak and perhaps they will call you out on it? Trust me they won't- consciously, they will just hear 'your mind'.
Try it out on a few people and see if ANY of them pull you up on it.