Have You Been Hypnotized Against Your Will?
Hypnosis and self hypnosis are natural, practical and highly effective techniques used for entering an extremely relaxed state while remaining acutely aware. Hypnosis can be used on its own as a relaxation or stress-reduction tool or in conjunction with affirmations and/or visualization for a specific desired outcome.
Self hypnosis has many similarities with meditation. However, unlike meditation hypnosis has a somewhat dubious image thanks, mostly, to Hollywood! Hollywood has painted a picture of hypnosis that is less than favourable. In many movies hypnosis is used to brain-wash people and make them perform dubious actions against their will. Please bare in mind that these are movies made for entertainment purposes only. This, however, is as far from the truth as you can get.
Some people also view self hypnosis and hypnosis as being different. The truth is all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis because you cannot enter the hypnotic state unless you give your consent!
Hypnosis and self hypnosis only differ in the method for achieving trance. The trance state is the same. With hypnosis you are guided into trance while self hypnosis is self-induced trance.
Just as meditation relaxes the body and focuses the mind, self hypnosis achieves the very same aim although it does not require years of practise.
So a trance state, induced by either hypnosis or self hypnosis, is the same regardless of how you entered it. It is necessary to have a person's consent if you want them to enter a trance state. If you do not want to go into trance it just will not happen. Therefore you cannot be hypnotized to do something you do not want to do or that would go against your values!
So what can self hypnosis do?
As a form of stress control self hypnosis is probably the fastest and easiest way to see results quickly. It is so effective that many health authorities and medical establishments use it. In fact it can be an effective form of treatment for many ailments and is even offered free in the UK on their National Health Service.
Using self hypnosis with affirmations and mental imagery can hasten goal-achievement by focusing your mind and removing your own internal blocks to success. For this reason it has become very popular with devotees of self improvement and personal development.
Almost all internal blocks can be removed with hypnosis and it has been shown to raise the odds of a person reaching any goal by a huge percentage.
So do not worry about being hypnotized by an evil genius into performing his dastardly deeds. It cannot happen. By happy though that you are able to use the power of self hypnosis to remove all you inner limitations and stresses and also to program your mind and body for success!