Dragonfly Flowers
- Creating a safe habitat for dragonfly larvae and nymphs is a good way to entice the adult insect.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Sedges, rushes and other underwater plants that rise above a pond's water level will attract dragonflies. The foliage provides the perfect nesting location for dragonfly larvae and emerging nymphs. More importantly, the pond from which the plants emerge is a good source of insect life on which dragonflies feed. If you truly want dragonflies to find your garden, a natural or manmade body of water will do the trick. - Plant tall grasses around a healthy body of water to offer dragonflies ideal spots to perch and hunt. Dragonflies are voracious hunters and search out water bodies that attract an abundant source of insects for their food. Use shrubs, such as buttonbush and seedbox, to protect ponds from wind and small predators that might feed on dragonfly nymphs.
- Adult dragonflies consume just about anything they can catch, including mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other pesky flying insects. Some species eat butterflies, moths and bees. Fragrant flowers, like lilac, peonies, irises and roses, will attract the insects that will in turn attract dragonflies. Other flowers that may attract dragonfly prey include clover, coneflower, foxglove and lavender.
- Ordinary planting stakes or bamboo reeds offer dragonflies good perching posts from which to hunt and rest. Place them in a pond or along a water's edge to offer hunting and resting spots.
Sedges and Rushes
Border Grasses and Shrubs
Fragrant Flowers