Advice on Getting Your Boyfriend Back - 3 Counterintuitive Steps You Need to Take
However, before I continue, I just need to point out that the techniques you are going to learn are probably very new to you.
Chances are you have never been exposed to these ideas before.
Therefore, you may feel like they are wrong but these techniques have been proven to be effective in many situations.
Step 1 - Agreeing With The Break Up This is a very important step.
Chances are you don't feel like doing it.
Well, this is a reason behind this step.
Think about it this way.
By agreeing with the break up, you are giving your ex the chance to start missing you.
How are you going to get him to miss you if you keep on contacting him? Step 2 - Cutting Off All Communication After you have agreed with the break up, the next step is obviously to cut off all communication with your boyfriend.
As mentioned above, you need to give your boyfriend the chance to start missing you.
Also, by cutting off contact with your boyfriend, both of you will have the chance to think things through and recover from any emotional pain.
Step 3 - Reconnecting With Your Ex After a period of non-contact, it is probably time to start contacting your boyfriend again.
At this point of time, you are trying to reconnect with your boyfriend.