How to Uninstall XP & Reinstall 2000
- 1). Boot up your computer in Safe Mode. To do so, start your computer and press the F8 button as it boots up. A screen will pop up that allows you to start up your computer in a variety of modes. Select "Safe Mode" and press "Enter."
- 2). Press "Start" and scroll up to "Control Panel." Select the option for "Add or Remove Programs" to open a list of the various programs installed on your computer. Find the listing for Windows XP and press "Remove Program." When asked whether or not you want to remove the program, press "Yes."
- 3). Restart your computer. Windows XP will no longer be on your computer. It will boot up in the previous operating system.
- 1). Insert the Windows 2000 installation disc if you need to reinstall 2000. The computer's drive will read the disc and the Installation Wizard will begin running.
- 2). Follow the directions of the Installation Wizard to complete the installation process. It will copy a number of files from the disc onto your computer. After selecting the various options, press "Enter" to start the installation of Windows 2000.
- 3). After the installation is complete, restart your computer. When the computer boots back up, your computer will be running Windows 2000.
Uninstall Windows XP
Install Windows 2000