A Look At Androgenic and Steroid Cases in Youths
The youths and mature teenagers have AAS as the surest thing to a college glory, acceptance, great physique and enhanced performance. These students take the steroids as a means towards an eventual end. They celebrate on the steroids with some even started as early as the age of eleven. Peer pressure and cajoling from the street is that impetus which leads them slowly towards the grave, without their knowledge.
This is because of the myriad problems that are associated with the AAS usage as their effect shows and their eventual transformation it has on the body organs and their absolute wither. The teenagers fail to realize the effect the AAS have on their Cardio, as seen by cardiovascular diseases that are occasioned after AAS usage. These are depicted by a vast range in terms of complications, which include arteriosclerosis, in which deposits of cellular waste and fatty substances is caused to build up within the lining of the inner arterial walls.
These wrong supplementations of the AAS or male hormones could cause decreases or even the cessation within the body of the natural production of the hormone causing irreversible and reversible transition. Some serious conditions most of physical nature are clearly seen in individuals using Anabolic steroids. For instance, in women, there is the occurrence and development of some secondary changes seen in the structure of their anatomy and features.
There is a clogging or partial blockage in the arteries which can be dangerous, since there follows a restricted flow of blood in the heart as well as in the brain. These types of diseases are very progressive, which means that they tend to become critical as the time passes, and in any case if they are contracted during adolescence years, they will definitely shorten the youth’s life expectancy. Some of the changes which could be reversed are depicted in the cases of a reduced production of sperms, as well as testicular atrophy or the shrinking of ones testicles.
The reason towards irreversibly is based on the over usage of the drug or lack of an immediate discontinuation unless a kind of therapy has been adopted. Excesses in testosterone can easily be converted into other types of hormones such as DHT, a hormone which leads to the increase of acne cases, male-patterned baldness as well as an enlargement of the prostate. These excesses can also be seen in the case of higher amounts of the model female hormone called estrogen, which then leads to the abnormal development of the breast tissue, which is a condition called Gynecomastia.
These arise once the human body has overdeveloped some glands under the nipples that begin to look like very small breasts of the female kind. After a prolonged usage of steroids, the man under the steroids will start having limited sexual desires where he will then be incapable of holding a worthwhile erection.
This is a temporary case and can be corrected and prevented with a use of such substances as HCG. However, once the AAS has been discontinued, ones body’s normal levels of the hormone testosterone will always be suppressed.
This is because of the myriad problems that are associated with the AAS usage as their effect shows and their eventual transformation it has on the body organs and their absolute wither. The teenagers fail to realize the effect the AAS have on their Cardio, as seen by cardiovascular diseases that are occasioned after AAS usage. These are depicted by a vast range in terms of complications, which include arteriosclerosis, in which deposits of cellular waste and fatty substances is caused to build up within the lining of the inner arterial walls.
These wrong supplementations of the AAS or male hormones could cause decreases or even the cessation within the body of the natural production of the hormone causing irreversible and reversible transition. Some serious conditions most of physical nature are clearly seen in individuals using Anabolic steroids. For instance, in women, there is the occurrence and development of some secondary changes seen in the structure of their anatomy and features.
There is a clogging or partial blockage in the arteries which can be dangerous, since there follows a restricted flow of blood in the heart as well as in the brain. These types of diseases are very progressive, which means that they tend to become critical as the time passes, and in any case if they are contracted during adolescence years, they will definitely shorten the youth’s life expectancy. Some of the changes which could be reversed are depicted in the cases of a reduced production of sperms, as well as testicular atrophy or the shrinking of ones testicles.
The reason towards irreversibly is based on the over usage of the drug or lack of an immediate discontinuation unless a kind of therapy has been adopted. Excesses in testosterone can easily be converted into other types of hormones such as DHT, a hormone which leads to the increase of acne cases, male-patterned baldness as well as an enlargement of the prostate. These excesses can also be seen in the case of higher amounts of the model female hormone called estrogen, which then leads to the abnormal development of the breast tissue, which is a condition called Gynecomastia.
These arise once the human body has overdeveloped some glands under the nipples that begin to look like very small breasts of the female kind. After a prolonged usage of steroids, the man under the steroids will start having limited sexual desires where he will then be incapable of holding a worthwhile erection.
This is a temporary case and can be corrected and prevented with a use of such substances as HCG. However, once the AAS has been discontinued, ones body’s normal levels of the hormone testosterone will always be suppressed.