What Can I Do to Get My Boyfriend Back? Read This Before Trying to Get Him Back!
but the problem is that you've been through this before.
And if this time seems like it could be the end, chances are the standard responses aren't working.
When the regular responses to "What can I do to get my boyfriend back?" aren't working, what do you do? Now is the time to really get to the nitty gritty of the situation if you really want to get him back.
You need to make a list of the promises you've already made, and how your boyfriend usually responds.
This also goes for the problems that he's caused in the relationship, because relationships are never one-sided.
After you've made your list, here's the kicker: you now need to do the opposite of everything you've done before.
Why? Because now, if you really want to know what to do to get your boyfriend back, you're going to have to throw out everything you've ever learned about relationships.
No more game playing, and definitely no more begging, pleading, or bargaining.
Instead, this time, you need to do the opposite in order to get him back.
What does that mean? That means that from this point on you are going to follow a plan to get him back that helps make your relationship better on your terms.
Instead of it being all about pleasing your boyfriend, you are going to make sure that you please yourself too.
So starting now, you need to take charge.
The first way to do that is to abide by the No Contact Rule.
Which means you need to make a promise to yourself that you will have absolutely no contact with your boyfriend for a set number of days -- at the very least, 4 or 5.
This will give him time to wonder what you're doing and why you aren't talking to him.
It will also give you time to make your list and really decide what you want to do to get him back.
You can set your own terms and your own boundaries, and finally answer the question "what can I do to get my boyfriend back?" from a position of power instead of desperation.