It Is True! Time Really Is a Healer!
Then has our Mother does this she will say, "There now, it is better, stop crying you will forget all about it in a day or two" And Yes! Mother was always right we did forget about it sometimes immediately after she had held us.
Then as we grew older we realised too, that the deeper the cut the longer the time it took for us to see it heal, but then always with time, cleanliness and good treatment, incisions of the skin like this we would see going through the healing process.
But what of that terrible, most hurting emotional pain that we all do have to suffer at sometime or other in life, for when these words 'Time will Heal' are then said to us, that is when we really do find it very hard to believe! Because first of all this is not the sort of pain that we get on impact that will immediately disappear again the moment that we have it dressed (bandaged) with a hug that gives comfort, for then no matter how many hugs we have, be it from many people, it still does not simply go away, there is no known treatment for this either, especially when this is a heartbreaking, gut wrenching pain that has come about through the death of a loved one dear to us.
Endurance is all we then have, for this is one hurting pain that Mother just cannot bandage for us, we simply just have to bear it, and at times like this we find out that it really is very hard to do so! It is at times like this that our Mother or any other loved one that cares for us, feels helpless to help us in any other way except by expressing these so well known words, "It will heal with time" It is with seeing our hurt, because they love us, when they feel so helpless themselves to do anything that it helplessness hurts them too.
But we must remember we are never on our own, Our Father the Lord above is always there waiting for us to turn to him, just in the same way as we would our Mother when we were young.
If you have never believed in the Lord before, then you may find that at this pain ridden, cross bearing time, of your life that you do start to do so, by turning to Him with a prayer for help...
What a comfort it is to us when we do truly believe in Him and His promise of eternal life, the realisation then that our loved ones are not lost forever, does give us strength to go on and face the time that it may take us to heal.
Though time does heal in cases like this, I do not believe it will be 100% worth of healing received until the moment of our departing here when we get together once again with our loved ones permanently above.
Yes! Time does seem to heal us greatly within most of our days, unfortunately the pain always does seem to re-appear to us being just as sharp as ever on every birthday and anniversary that comes around.
This re-occurring pain yes! We can see getting easier to bear each year as we get older, now I believe the easing of this pain with age is because with our belief in life everlasting we know that with each year we age down here, the sooner we will be re-united so we can see and hold them above! Yes! Time Truly Does Heal, If You Let The Love of God Help You Through!