Symptoms of Heart Attack
Heart attack symptoms for women, you know, the typical chest pain (which also applies to men), isn't always the most noticeable in women. You'd be wondering: A heart attack is a heart attack, does it matter whether it happens to a man or a woman? Why talk about heart attack symptoms specific to women?
Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women: nausea Feeling as though one is about to vomitanxiety a "panic" attack, feeling like there is something wrong but not knowing what it is back pain between the shoulder blades, this often happening INSTEAD of chest pain.
Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or painful sensation in the chest lasting more than a few minutes. Please note that the painfulness may go away temporary but will go back evenly as dreadful if not more painful.
A common sign of an impending heart attack is discomfort or slight pain. The discomfort occurs mostly in the chest area. It is mild to start with and recurs at long intervals. The feeling of discomfort can be a sense of pressure, dizziness, squeezing of the chest and so on. Often this discomfort radiates to other parts of the upper body, like the arms, neck, and back.
The most important treatment for a silent heart attack is restoring the blood flow to the heart. These silent attacks lack the majority of the usual symptoms of a standard heart attack but can still be recognized through ordinary signs such as discomfort in your chest, arms or jaw that seem to go away after resting, fatigue or extreme tiredness, nausea, sweating(particularly cold sweat), breathlessness and dizziness.
Heart disease sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Heart attacks, or myocardial infractions (MI), are the most dramatic manifestation of cardio vascular disease. MI's will affect approximately 345,000 American women this year. These symptoms are your body's way of telling you trouble is coming. Women push through their routines for hours or days, using antacids and over the counter pain relievers to mask MI symptoms.
Silent heart attack symptoms do not resemble the classic heart attack symptoms. A known cause of this condition is Silent Ischemia (Decreased blood supply to the heart muscle). When blood flow to the heart is blocked by plaque, the heart muscle in the area of the blockage becomes damaged.
Heart attack symptoms that are important to noteworthy of are chest pain and shortness of breath. Chest pain most especially remains the most important presenting heart disease symptom, it is however important to state that not all chest pains are heart diseases. No!
There are numerous conditions, unrelated to the heart that could give rise to chest pain. These are: Anxiety, pneumonia, pleurisy, peptic ulcers, infection, heartburn, gall bladder, indigestion etc.
There are numerous of panic heart attack symptoms like palpitation and hard breathing pattern. Also, the body responds in a certain way like a person who is frightened. Sample symptoms may include sweating, shaking, and trembling of the hands. Chest pain may also be felt along with dizziness.
Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women: nausea Feeling as though one is about to vomitanxiety a "panic" attack, feeling like there is something wrong but not knowing what it is back pain between the shoulder blades, this often happening INSTEAD of chest pain.
Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or painful sensation in the chest lasting more than a few minutes. Please note that the painfulness may go away temporary but will go back evenly as dreadful if not more painful.
A common sign of an impending heart attack is discomfort or slight pain. The discomfort occurs mostly in the chest area. It is mild to start with and recurs at long intervals. The feeling of discomfort can be a sense of pressure, dizziness, squeezing of the chest and so on. Often this discomfort radiates to other parts of the upper body, like the arms, neck, and back.
The most important treatment for a silent heart attack is restoring the blood flow to the heart. These silent attacks lack the majority of the usual symptoms of a standard heart attack but can still be recognized through ordinary signs such as discomfort in your chest, arms or jaw that seem to go away after resting, fatigue or extreme tiredness, nausea, sweating(particularly cold sweat), breathlessness and dizziness.
Heart disease sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Heart attacks, or myocardial infractions (MI), are the most dramatic manifestation of cardio vascular disease. MI's will affect approximately 345,000 American women this year. These symptoms are your body's way of telling you trouble is coming. Women push through their routines for hours or days, using antacids and over the counter pain relievers to mask MI symptoms.
Silent heart attack symptoms do not resemble the classic heart attack symptoms. A known cause of this condition is Silent Ischemia (Decreased blood supply to the heart muscle). When blood flow to the heart is blocked by plaque, the heart muscle in the area of the blockage becomes damaged.
Heart attack symptoms that are important to noteworthy of are chest pain and shortness of breath. Chest pain most especially remains the most important presenting heart disease symptom, it is however important to state that not all chest pains are heart diseases. No!
There are numerous conditions, unrelated to the heart that could give rise to chest pain. These are: Anxiety, pneumonia, pleurisy, peptic ulcers, infection, heartburn, gall bladder, indigestion etc.
There are numerous of panic heart attack symptoms like palpitation and hard breathing pattern. Also, the body responds in a certain way like a person who is frightened. Sample symptoms may include sweating, shaking, and trembling of the hands. Chest pain may also be felt along with dizziness.