Disease And Conditions – Face Filler Overview
Our human body is mixture of many things that make us unique, able to work in any situation and perfect in balancing. We are one of developed body because of bones, joints and skin property that help us to describe us unique in terms of colors and feelings also.
Our skin are made from tissues and cells that become old as time are passed into years. Year by year, we feel some destruction in our body. This are done because of aged cells and tissues. Impact of aged come to skin in way of wrinkle, less protective and less look and feels activities.
But with advance technologies, and better knowledge about medicine we got solution to stop aging cells. One of method for removing wrinkles made by aged cells are fillers. Products for face fillers are called facial fillers. They are injected in area for temporarily to remove your wrinkle.
There are many ways to remove wrinkles or lines with some injected material or chemical supported and available from your body.
Hyaluronic acid: This is combination of other material like Botox and other injection treatments. This is drived from rooster combs and used to remove fine lines, creases and restore your skin to brightness. With different combination of concentrating, there are two products called restlyane and Juvederm. Juvederm are more concentrate than restlyane related to hyaluronic acid.
Fat Transplantation: Our body contains fat quantity at different locations and at different values.This fat can be work to remove wrinkle, fine lines also. Under this procedure, surgeon may use over-fat from your body to place at cheek or foreheads or other places.
Collagen Injection: Collagen is found in our skin, bones, connective tissue. This helps in giving texture and elasticity. Collagen may have be defected by more exposure to sun or aging factor. Sources of collagen may come from cow, pig or your skin or other donors. Injection is used at place of wrinkle, fine lines. It can stay in skin till six months or may stay till one year in rare cases.
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Our skin are made from tissues and cells that become old as time are passed into years. Year by year, we feel some destruction in our body. This are done because of aged cells and tissues. Impact of aged come to skin in way of wrinkle, less protective and less look and feels activities.
But with advance technologies, and better knowledge about medicine we got solution to stop aging cells. One of method for removing wrinkles made by aged cells are fillers. Products for face fillers are called facial fillers. They are injected in area for temporarily to remove your wrinkle.
There are many ways to remove wrinkles or lines with some injected material or chemical supported and available from your body.
Hyaluronic acid: This is combination of other material like Botox and other injection treatments. This is drived from rooster combs and used to remove fine lines, creases and restore your skin to brightness. With different combination of concentrating, there are two products called restlyane and Juvederm. Juvederm are more concentrate than restlyane related to hyaluronic acid.
Fat Transplantation: Our body contains fat quantity at different locations and at different values.This fat can be work to remove wrinkle, fine lines also. Under this procedure, surgeon may use over-fat from your body to place at cheek or foreheads or other places.
Collagen Injection: Collagen is found in our skin, bones, connective tissue. This helps in giving texture and elasticity. Collagen may have be defected by more exposure to sun or aging factor. Sources of collagen may come from cow, pig or your skin or other donors. Injection is used at place of wrinkle, fine lines. It can stay in skin till six months or may stay till one year in rare cases.
Visit website for dermal facial fillers laser dubai, skin peel anti aging laser dubai, wrinkles sun damage skin treatment dubai