Instructions for a Purse With Pom Poms
- 1). Cut two rectangles from the purse fabric, 10-inches wide by 14-inches long, for the purse body. From the same fabric, cut four strips 2 1/2-inches wide by 18-inches long, for the handles and one strip 2-inches wide by 7-inches long for the loop closure. Cut two rectangles from the lining fabric, 10-inches wide by 14-inches long, for the purse lining.
- 2). Place the two purse body pieces together, with the right sides facing. Pin the two long edges together and one short end for the bottom and sew, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Place the two lining pieces together and sew in the same way, leaving a 3-inch opening along the bottom..
- 3). Turn the purse body right side out and iron. Lay the purse on your work surface. Measure 2-inches down form the top edge of the purse. Using this measurement, trace a line across the width of the purse, using a disappearing ink pen. Measure 2-inches down from the line and trace another line. Repeat twice more for a total of four lines. Flip the purse to the other side and repeat the lines.
- 4). Determine which side of the purse body will be the back. Pin the end of the pom pom trim, to the center of the top line. Continue to pin the trim, horizontally, around the purse, on the drawn line. When the ends meet, cut the trim a 1/2-inch longer and overlap the beginning end. Top stitch the band of the pom pom trim to the purse. Pin and sew the pom pom trim to the remaining lines on the bag, in the same way.
- 5). Turn the purse body wrong side out. Match one side seam with the bottom seam. This will create a point at the corner. Pin the seams, 2-inches from the point. Sew across the point at the pin. Cut off the point a 1/4-inch from the stitched line. Repeat on the other corner of the bag. This creates a flat bottom to your purse. Repeat the flat bottom on the lining.
- 6). Place two handle pieces together with the right sides facing. Pin the long edges and sew, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Repeat with the remaining handle pieces. Turn the handles right side out and press.
- 7). Fold the closure in half, with the wrong sides facing and the long edges matching. Iron the fold to create a crease. Unfold the strip. Fold both long edges to the center crease, with the wrong sides together. Iron the folds. Do not unfold. Fold the closure in half again, with the long edges together. Iron the fold and pin. Top stitch the pinned edge.
- 8). Turn the purse body right side out. Lay the purse with the back side facing up. Fold the closure in half, matching the short ends. Pin the raw edges of the closure to the center top of the purses raw edge. Note: The closure loop will be upside down, with the loop laying on the purse body. Center and space the ends of one handle, 4-inches apart, on the top edge of the purse. Pin the handle. Note: The handle will be upside down, with the handle laying on the purse body. Turn the purse over and pin the remaining handle in the same way.
- 9). Place the right side out purse body, inside the wrong side out lining. This will sandwich the pom poms, handles and the closure between the sides. Pin the top edges of the purse and lining together. Sew around the pinned top edge, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. This will connect the lining to the purse and secure the handles and loop closure. Turn the purse right side out through the opening in the lining. Press the top edge of the purse. Top stitch around the top of the purse, a 1/4-inch from the edge.
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Hand sew the opening in the lining, closed. Flip the loop closure to the front of the purse and make a mark inside the end of the loop. Hand sew a 1-inch shank button to the mark. The loop will slide over the button to close the purse.