Bisque (noun) refers to ware which has been fired once and has no chemically bonded water left in the clay. Bisque is a true ceramic material, although the clay body has not yet reached maturity.
To bisque (verb) is to fire the clay for the first time.
Bisque fire (noun) is the first firing and is usually only to between cones 08 and 06 (1720 and 1835 degrees F or 945 and 1005 degrees C).
However, sometimes a clay matures at a higher temperature than the glaze that the potter wants to use on the pot. When that is the case the bisque firing may be higher in temperature, with a lower temperature glaze firing.
Also Known As: Bisqueware - refers to pots that have been bisqued.
It is time to load the bisque in for its glaze firing. (noun -- short for "bisqueware")
Bisqued pots are often rather pink in color. (adjective)
When will you bisque the pots you threw last week? (verb)
These pots are bone dry and ready for their bisque firing. (adjective)
Bisque (noun) refers to ware which has been fired once and has no chemically bonded water left in the clay. Bisque is a true ceramic material, although the clay body has not yet reached maturity.
To bisque (verb) is to fire the clay for the first time.
Bisque fire (noun) is the first firing and is usually only to between cones 08 and 06 (1720 and 1835 degrees F or 945 and 1005 degrees C).
However, sometimes a clay matures at a higher temperature than the glaze that the potter wants to use on the pot. When that is the case the bisque firing may be higher in temperature, with a lower temperature glaze firing.
Also Known As: Bisqueware - refers to pots that have been bisqued.
It is time to load the bisque in for its glaze firing. (noun -- short for "bisqueware")
Bisqued pots are often rather pink in color. (adjective)
When will you bisque the pots you threw last week? (verb)
These pots are bone dry and ready for their bisque firing. (adjective)