Grow Pot Indoors Video Tip: Watering and Transplanting

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Welcome back friends. Thanks for joining usAgain, here, at LetsTalkAboutPot.comI'm Primo, and this week I'm out enjoying a different kind ofgarden, my son's rose garden, a beautiful settingfor me to relax and spend a few minutes sharingwhat I know about watering and transplanting pot plants, with all of you.So let's dive right into it. The first basic skill you'llneed to grow pot indoors is the ability to transplant.There are only a few hard and fastrules when it comes to moving your plant into a larger pot.First, make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom ofyour new container, to let water run through.You may also want to consider, some kind of dirt barrierat the bottom, to hold in the dirt, and to assist drainage.I like to use a piece of this non-skid shelf liner.You can use anything that will hold the dirt back, while letting the water out. You could use several kinds of filters, or screens, even a thin layer of gravel, like this, will work.Second, make sure there is fresh dirt both under and overthe original dirt of your little girl. Her old dirt must be completely surrounded by new.Next, pack down the dirt firmly in the new containerespecially around the edges and around the stem of the plant. The final step is soaking all the new dirt with fresh clean water.If you haven't packed down the dirt well,your plant could float up in the water, maybe even fallover on it's side,and you'll have a muddy confused mess on your hands.That's packed pretty good, so now I'll drench my transplantedflower. I'll water and water until a good flow is leaking Out the bottom. I want her good and soaked.And that's about it for transplanting. When she dries outin a couple of days, you can begin your fertilizing routine.Before we talk about water, a quick glass of water joke.One night a father sent his boy to bed. A few minutes later,he hears "Dad! Can I have a glass of water?" The dad replies, "No, you cannot, go to bed."The boy persists and asks again, "Please, can I have someWater?" The father yells, "I said no, now go to bed before ICome up there and give you a spanking."A few seconds pass while the boy thinks about it, then he yells, "When you come up tospank me, could you bring up a glass of water?"Hahahaha Kids, you know I love em. hahahaWater is water, H20, life necessity, but not all tap wateris created equally. Depending on where you live, you may want to work with your water, before giving it to your girls.Here in Seattle, the drinking water is very clean, tasty, anddoesn't have a chlorine or a metallic taste. We have no problem using this water, in our garden, directly from the tap. However, in other places, tap water can be quite unpleasant to taste, and unhealthy for your Plants. Clean water is the most important nutrient you will need to grow pot indoors.

The water in Las Vegas, for example, is so hard, and full of chlorine, that if I lived there, I would want to use a water softener.Then, I would let the water sit out in a bucket for at least 24 hours to let all the chlorine evaporate off. You may want to look into your local water source, and consider treating that water, before using it in your garden.When it comes to watering frequency, too much or too littlewater can be equally devastating to your plants. If there's too much water, there's no reason for the roots to grow, and less roots means less plant.. Try to let your girls dry out well, but not completely, between waterings. This will keep them strong, growing, and reaching up to the light.If your plants become too dry, you will immediately and clearly see her leaves shrivel and droop.Finally, when your girls are ripe and ready to harvest, (see our Is She Ripe? Video.)Do not cut them down until you've given them a clean water flushing. By that, I mean a good drenching with clean water only, no fertilizers. This is especially important if you're using chemical fertilizers instead of organic fertilizers.With organics, flush once or twice over the last few days before harvesting, but with chemical fertilizers, I'd recommend at least a week of flushing, probably 3 or 4 clean water flushes total. If you don't flush your girls well, you will get a harsh taste to your medicine that's totally unnecessary and easy to avoid.So there you go, another lesson in growing pot indoors.May all your branches bloom beyond your wildest dreams.And may our country allow us to grow our own medicine very soon. For, I'm Primo.Thanks for joining us, and have a great week.
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