How to Install a Steel Roof on a Park Model Trailer
- 1). Measure the length and width of the roof with a tape measure. Multiply the two together to get the total square footage of the area. This will determine how much steel roofing will be needed for installation.
- 2). Roll out No. 30 roofing felt over the surface of the roof. This will act as a moisture barrier. Staple the felt down with a staple gun every 8 inches around the entire perimeter of the the roof. Cut the felt off at the end with a utility knife and overlap the second row by 4 inches. Continue in the same manner until the roof is completely covered in the felt.
- 3). Install 1-by-4 furring strips vertically on top of the felt every 24 inches. Insert four equally spaced screws every 16 inches with a power drill into each strip to secure it to the roof. The steel roofing will be installed on top of the furring strips.
- 4). Line up the first piece of steel roofing beginning in any corner of the roof. Overlap the eave of the roof by 3/4 inch. Position it vertically and attach it to the furring strips with self-tapping sheet metal screws. Insert a screw every 8 inches up each furring strip.
- 5). Set the second piece of steel roofing next to the first so it overlaps by one ridge on the sheet metal. Install it in the same manner and continue down the roof until you reach the end of the first side. Cut the final piece of the first row to size with tin snips and install all of the remaining rows the same way until the trailer roof is completely covered.