Video: Homemade Energizing Facial Mask Recipe: Relaxing & Healing Facial Masks
Video Transcript
Hi! I am Nili Nathan. I have a website and a TV show Great Healing Getaways, where I host a show on holistic health from around the world. I research and I write on holistic health. It has been a lifelong passion of mine. Today I am talking to you about homemade masks; how you can make facials right in your own kitchens. It is very easy, it is fun, it is healthy and it is inexpensive. This next one is an energizing mask. We are going to need two drops of our essential oils. I am using ylang-ylang, 2 drops of ylang-ylang. You can find the essential oils in a health food store or online, just make sure that it is 100% pure essential oils, no synthetics. This is petitgrain. This water has been iced; I should take this ice cube out¡ yes, there we go and two drops of lemon oil in the iced water. You want it to be really cold and I do not use water from the sink, this is pure bottled water. Then I am going to add enough ground almonds to make a paste. This is fun; there we go, move that so you can see it. Now starting to thicken up wow! Almost smells good enough to eat. I¡¯m going to add more, okay that will probably do it. There, okay now this is forming into a really nice smooth paste, mix it in with all the oils and then you are going to put it on your face nice and cold, very energizing. This will be good to do an hour before you are going to go out on the town, so you want to look like all nice and refreshed. Just put that on and lay down for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.