Reality of Acne Marks
Almost people of all age group are suffering skin disease called acne.
Millions are plagued and have acne marks on their faces; only a little group looks for any medical treatment for curing acne.
Today, there is huge number of acne treatments available in the market.
People still think that there is no acne treatment for reducing their acne scares.
They don't go for seeking acne reduction treatments.
But I strongly believe for acne you don't need any medical treatment, if you follow some simple tips.
Your acne will vanish from skin.
It works like magic.
As a famous saying "precaution is better than cure" What is acne? It is basic to have enough knowledge of acne.
Acne is a skin disease, it is an inflammatory one.
Its main reason is hormonal imbalance.
This hormonal disturbance is not restraining to just girls or boys.
Both genders are equally affected by this problem.
Boys and young men suffer from acne due to high level of Androgen.
Androgen is a hormone causing acne and depression in its victims.
Acne is a genetic disorder.
Research has proved this fact that acne is sometimes a genetic disorder.
Meaning if parents have acne most probably children will also be acne victims.
Three out of four members of same family will suffer from same disease.
Acne is increased by some medical treatments.
Some time it is observed that acne is increased due to some medical treatments.
Some medicine has side effects such as black spots on your face or whole body.
Acne appears when body toxins are not properly flushed out.
Acne appears when bodily wastes are not properly flushed out.
bowls, lungs and skin are four ways from where body toxins are being discharged.
If bowls and kidneys are congested with harmful wastes they will try to get expelled through skin.
It is a very bad situation; dead skin and body toxin mix up and create acne marks on your face.
Millions are plagued and have acne marks on their faces; only a little group looks for any medical treatment for curing acne.
Today, there is huge number of acne treatments available in the market.
People still think that there is no acne treatment for reducing their acne scares.
They don't go for seeking acne reduction treatments.
But I strongly believe for acne you don't need any medical treatment, if you follow some simple tips.
Your acne will vanish from skin.
It works like magic.
As a famous saying "precaution is better than cure" What is acne? It is basic to have enough knowledge of acne.
Acne is a skin disease, it is an inflammatory one.
Its main reason is hormonal imbalance.
This hormonal disturbance is not restraining to just girls or boys.
Both genders are equally affected by this problem.
Boys and young men suffer from acne due to high level of Androgen.
Androgen is a hormone causing acne and depression in its victims.
Acne is a genetic disorder.
Research has proved this fact that acne is sometimes a genetic disorder.
Meaning if parents have acne most probably children will also be acne victims.
Three out of four members of same family will suffer from same disease.
Acne is increased by some medical treatments.
Some time it is observed that acne is increased due to some medical treatments.
Some medicine has side effects such as black spots on your face or whole body.
Acne appears when body toxins are not properly flushed out.
Acne appears when bodily wastes are not properly flushed out.
bowls, lungs and skin are four ways from where body toxins are being discharged.
If bowls and kidneys are congested with harmful wastes they will try to get expelled through skin.
It is a very bad situation; dead skin and body toxin mix up and create acne marks on your face.