Lost in the Meal Planning Maze? These Resources Will Help You Find Your Way Out

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We have all had them -- days when we can't face the idea of making another grocery list and going to the store again.
To make shopping easier you may resort to kit meals, frozen meals, and take-out.
While these products are tasty, they are often high in fat and salt and low on fiber.
Where can you get meal planning help? 1.
Cook books.
Your public library will have a cook book section.
Check the contents and index for menu ideas.
Some cook books will have weekly menus and menus for special dietary needs.
Menu planning takes extra time, but it saves you time in the store.
Restaurant ads.
Local restaurants often run ads for meal specials.
One of the most popular restaurants in my home town of Rochester, Minnesota has weekly ads for its lunch specials.
When I am stuck on menu planning I check their ad and any others I find.
Store specials.
Retailers call these items "loss leaders," discounted products that get peopleinto the store.
Last week my grocery store had a special on ball tip steaks.
I bought some for dinner and extras for the freezer.
In a Website article, "Healthy Meals: Cooking for Two," Mayo Clinic tells shoppers to "take advantage of your freezer.
" Fresh food should be frozen immediately.
US Government Websites.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists menu planning articles on its Website.
You will find information about diabetic meals, heart healthy meals, children's meals and snacks.
According to the article, "Planning Meals," menu planning is a good place to start to improve food choices.
The article refers people to MyPyramid's interactive meal planner.
You will find meal planning information on other government Websites.
Health Websites.
Though there are many health Websites on the Internet, not all of them are reliable.
Check on the site before you follow its advice.
The Mayo Clinic Website, a highly rated one, has "Sample Menus for the DASH Eating Plan.
" DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.
This article contains three days' worth of DASH menus.
Monthly and weekly magazines contain many menu ideas and, better yet, photos of the recipes.
Some magazines publish weekly menus.
These menus are helpful, but some many not fit your food preferences or health needs.
Do no throw these magazines away.
You may be able to adapt the menus to meet your needs.
Produce displays.
Nutrition experts are telling consumers to buy fresh produce and more whole grains.
According to Linda Larsen, author of "Meal Planning," published on the About.
com Website, meals used to be planned around protein.
"Today, meat is considered more of a condiment or flavoring," she observes, "and diets should be based more on grains, fruits, and vegetables.
" Instead of getting lost in the meal planning maze, find your way out of it.
These ideas -- produce displays, magazines, health Websites, US Government Websites, store specials, newspaper ads, and cook books -- will lead you to hundreds of delicious and healthy meals.
Enjoy them all.
Copyright 2009 by Harriet Hodgson
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