What Is the File Extension Trk?
- Trk files are associated with the Garmin brand of GPS devices, particularly those that utilize the PCX5 software program to power the navigation.
- A file with the .trk file extension is known as a Garmin PCX5 track log file.
- As you drive, some models of Garmin GPS devices allow you to record your route in a file known as a track log. These track logs are saved with the .trk file extension.
- You can utilize the route contained in your track log at a later time by calling the .trk file up in your Garmin. If your Garmin GPS has a USB cable, you can also connect the unit to your computer and import the .trk file.
- To view the .trk file on your computer, you will need the Garmin software Garmin Mapsource. This program will allow you to print or share your track route file.