Warts and HPV
When people have warts they are a result of a virus which usually appears on people's hands and feet.
They also may possibly develop inside the mouth on genitals and the rectal area.
Warts are not damaging to people's health but they may be a pain and usually they don't look cosmetically pleasing.
The virus that causes warts can then infect other parts of your body.
The virus flourishes in places with moist and warm air, for example, in the bathroom and communal change areas and therefore people often pick up warts in these places.
To get rid of warts, you can buy a variety of prescribed medicinal products.
For some people the medications used can have negative effects for example, podophyllum which can destroy healthy skin and tissue around the wart, and interferon which might cause flu like symptoms and these medications can take several weeks to work.
To remove warts fast people often opt to have surgery which can be expensive.
However there are a variety of types of surgical procedure including, having the wart frozen off which is called 'cryotherapy', laser treatment and using a scalpel to remove it.
The bad news about these surgical methods is that the warts often grow back.
The cause for this is that when people have surgery the are simply treating the end result and not the origin, therefore natural ways of treating warts also help you better your immunity to prevent warts growing again.
If you want to cure your wart naturally you will need to consider means of boosting your immune system.
One way of doing this is by increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals and using vitamin cream on your warts.
Natural remedies have advantages over conventional medications and treatments as they aren't costly or time consuming and don't have negative side effects.
Natural remedies can work to boost your immune system which then improves your general health and stops warts from regrowing, rather than only removing them.
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They also may possibly develop inside the mouth on genitals and the rectal area.
Warts are not damaging to people's health but they may be a pain and usually they don't look cosmetically pleasing.
The virus that causes warts can then infect other parts of your body.
The virus flourishes in places with moist and warm air, for example, in the bathroom and communal change areas and therefore people often pick up warts in these places.
To get rid of warts, you can buy a variety of prescribed medicinal products.
For some people the medications used can have negative effects for example, podophyllum which can destroy healthy skin and tissue around the wart, and interferon which might cause flu like symptoms and these medications can take several weeks to work.
To remove warts fast people often opt to have surgery which can be expensive.
However there are a variety of types of surgical procedure including, having the wart frozen off which is called 'cryotherapy', laser treatment and using a scalpel to remove it.
The bad news about these surgical methods is that the warts often grow back.
The cause for this is that when people have surgery the are simply treating the end result and not the origin, therefore natural ways of treating warts also help you better your immunity to prevent warts growing again.
If you want to cure your wart naturally you will need to consider means of boosting your immune system.
One way of doing this is by increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals and using vitamin cream on your warts.
Natural remedies have advantages over conventional medications and treatments as they aren't costly or time consuming and don't have negative side effects.
Natural remedies can work to boost your immune system which then improves your general health and stops warts from regrowing, rather than only removing them.
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