DIY Silk Mesh Flowers for a Wedding
- 1). Trace a long oval with pointed tips onto paper. The tracing should measure an inch wide and four inches long. This is your first petal. Cut out this shape and repeat four more times so you have five petals.
- 2). Glue the five petals tips together at one end so they form a star shape. The star-shape will serve as the pattern for cutting out your mesh flower pieces.
- 3). Pin the pattern gently onto silk mesh and use a fabric pen to trace it lightly onto silk. Cut out and repeat once more so you have two silk floral shape cutouts. You can cut out more for a fuller flower.
- 4). Lay one of the floral shapes flat and place the other floral shape over it so that all the petals of the bottom layer show between the petals of the top layer. You should have ten petals showing.
- 5). Sew your two floral shapes together in the center where all the petals meet with three or four small loop stitches, using thread the same color as your silk mesh fabric.
- 6). Push the thin floral wire through the center of the flower bud, bend it back and push it through the center again. Cut the wire as long or short as you want, as this will be your stem.
- 7). Wrap the floral wire from the base of your flower all the way down using green floral tape. Apply three layers of tape so that the stem is thick and sturdy.
- 8). Spray petals evenly and liberally with liquid starch. Shape petals to your liking and let the starch dry to hold the form. For example, you could pull the petals up to make the bud look more closed, or leave the petals outstretched for a blooming flower effect.