What Type of Concrete Mix Do I Use for Faux Rocks?
- Faux rocks are objects shaped like rocks and boulders that can be made from a variety of materials such as wire and concrete mix, plastic and fiberglass. These rocks have a number of yard uses, including as cover for unattractive yard necessities like utility boxes, well pumps, vents, surveillance equipment, telephone boxes, motors and septic lids. These types of faux rocks are hollow for easy coverage, though not all faux rocks are hollow in nature. Faux rocks and boulders can also be used for landscaping purposes on both commercial and residential property.
- Portland cement is used in the making of almost any concrete mix, including faux rock mix. Portland cement is made from crushing and mixing the correct amounts of silica, iron oxide, alumina and calcium compounds in a cement kiln. Limestone, fly ash, iron ore, clay, shale and marl are also used during the making of Portland cement. The cement makes up about 10 to 15 percent of the mix by volume.
- Make faux rock concrete mix by mixing one bag of Portland cement with three buckets of fine, dry sand, 1/4 bucket of fly ash, 1 1/4 buckets of un-densified silica fume, about 27 ounces of liquid latex, 10 ounces of liquid water reducer and a small handful of glass fibers. Add water slowly to the mixture to develop the right consistency, which can be tested by picking up a handful of mixture. If a little water squeezes out, it is at the right consistency.
- One of the keys to creating a faux rock concrete mix is to blend the ingredients more than you might think. Concrete trowels, shovels and garden hand trowels can all be used to mix the concrete. Water should be added so the mixture is "crumbly" and damp rather than "oozing" with water; take a 10 minute break to allow the water to soak into the mixture for best results. Molds for faux rocks made with concrete include chicken wire, wood and Styrofoam. Stuff newspaper into chicken wire to help it maintain shape.
Faux Rock Definition and Uses
Portland Cement Definition
Concrete Mix Recipe
Faux Rock Tips and Tricks