Dealing With Neck and Back Pain
In fact most people who suffer from neck pain will eventually end up with back pain if they do not treat their neck problem.
Sometimes neck problems get misdiagnosed because the pain tends to feel more like a migraine headache which is why it is important to see a doctor who specializes in neck and back problems.
With the proper diagnosis and treatment for the neck those headaches may just go away.
There are two main causes of neck and back pain; stress and injury.
Since the muscles in the neck and back are in close proximity to one another and share many of the same connections it only makes sense that what affects on may affect the other.
There is also the fact that as certain muscles become weak or injured other muscles around that area must take up the slack.
If you are in severe pain with either your neck or your back, you need to go to your doctor.
Many times severe pain is the outcome of a problem that has been building up for a while.
Many doctors recommend physical therapy or chiropractic care for neck and back.
Neck and back pain caused by an accident or injury cannot be avoided but there are things that you can do to minimize or even prevent pain you may have now or in the future.
Good posture is the first thing you need to look at; slouching, hunching your shoulders, and sitting, standing, or laying in awkward positions puts undue stress on neck and back muscles.
Another thing that helps most people is sleeping on a high quality mattress.
Most people find that when they sleep on a firm supportive mattress it helps to relieve much of the pain they are experiencing.
How you lift heavy objects and carry things can also make a difference.
Women who carry heavy purses and experience chronic neck and back pain should try a fanny pack, which centers the weight over their hips instead of one shoulder.
The same applies to carrying babies and small children.
Don't carry them on the same hip all the time, switch sides often and try holding them against your stomach.
When lifting avoid bending and lifting with your back, use more of a squatting form and lift with the legs.
Neck and back pain is never fun and can have serious affects on anyone's ability to get through daily life.
If this is you a visit to a doctor is a good first step along with making sure that you are not doing anything to further aggravate the situation.