Beauty Tips for Pimple Spots With Oily Skin
- Take charge of your skin before you get pimples.shy teen girl with freckles image by Galina Barskaya from
Many teenagers and adults alike battle with acne and pimples every day. These unsightly blemishes on the face and other areas of skin can be caused by oily skin, dirt and genetics. The dirt sticks to the face and clogs pores, creating pimples. Many people think what they eat causes pimples, but that is not always true. Stress and a lack of sleep can certainly contribute to the situation, however. - Oily skin needs to have the oil removed periodically throughout the day, or at least nightly. Harsh astringents, while they may work for a day or two, eventually lead the skin to produce more oil to compensate for the lost moisture. Instead, use an over-the-counter astringent minimally, or create your own so that it is not so harsh. Lemon, lime or orange juice work well because of their acidity. Rub the juice or peel on your face, allow to dry for a few minutes, then rinse off thoroughly. Close up big open pores by wiping tomato juice onto your face. The juice helps the pores to tighten up. This helps to block dirt from getting into the pores easily.
- There are numerous medicines and creams to put on pimples, both over-the-counter and by prescription. These can be costly or take several days or weeks to see any change. When you need an overnight fix for clearing pimples, look no further than your kitchen or bathroom. Toothpaste, when applied to a pimple, dries it out and clears it up. Allow the toothpaste to dry on your face before washing it off, but don't leave it on much longer than that as it will dry out your skin. Rubbing papaya juice on pimples also helps to clear up the skin. These remedies work on pimples that have already formed, but don't do anything towards warding off future breakouts.
- Start up a daily regimen of cleanliness so you don't have outbreaks of pimples. Keep your face clean throughout the day. When purchasing makeup, be sure to look for oil-free varieties. If you wear makeup, be sure to take it off completely at night so that it doesn't clog the pores. Change your pillowcase often because it can get a build up of oil as you sleep. If you have long hair, be sure that it does not brush your face too much, as that can transfer oil to your face.
Facial Cleansers
Quick Fixes
Preventative Measures