You Have Broken Her Heart - How to Get Her Back Easily
Also common is for the offending party to want to reconcile the relationship.
This is a very difficult task but attainable.
This article will provide valuable information on how to get her back after an affair.
The first thing you need to do is analyze whether or not you really want her back and the reasons why.
If you are trying to get her back only because you can't have her, then perhaps it's time to move on.
If you come to the realization that you truly love her and made a huge mistake, then you should continue on.
Failure to complete this step will ultimately lead you back to another affair.
By now, you have probably tried to apologize to her for the affair.
This usually doesn't go well, and one thing guys tend to do that really aggravates the situation is try to defend their actions.
What you have done is indefensible and you MUST convey that to her.
Agree with her on this matter 100% even if she is harsh.
You have deserved her ill feelings toward you.
Take it like a man! You must also allow time for her to come to terms with what you have done.
Another common mistake men tend to make is to try and resolve the situation right away.
All this will do is cause her to think that you have minimized what you have done and will only make her angrier and pull away from you further.
Your relationship wasn't built overnight, though you may have destroyed it overnight, don't expect to build it up overnight.
Trying to get her back after you have cheated may seem like an impossible task, and it may be, however if you follow this advice, your odds will greatly increase.
Honestly asses s the situation and own what you did.
Be very humble in your approach to her and be very patient.
These things will provide the base on which you can begin to build your relationship back up again.