Paging Tutorial
- 1). Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Control Panel." Click the "System and Maintenance" and then click "System."
- 2). Click "Advanced system settings" on the left side of the window. This opens a new window. Click the "Advanced" tab and click "Settings" in the "Performance" section. This opens another window.
- 3). Click the "Advanced" tab in this new window. In the "Virtual Memory" section, click "Change." This opens a window where you manually set the paging file size.
- 4). Type a new size for the paging file. The size settings are configured in megabytes. Therefore, if you want to manually set the paging file to one gigabyte, enter "1000" in the text box.
- 5). Click "OK" to save the settings. If you lowered the size of the file, you are required to reboot. Otherwise, you can continue working with the larger page file settings.