Who Else Wants to Release Fears in Their Life?
Have you ever listened to your voice of fear? It may sound something like this: "I hope these jeans don't make me look fat, what if I get hit by lightning, I might die of starvation, what if crazy people chase me down the street, what if bugs land in my salad and I eat them! What if I say something really stupid or do something weird or what if I trip and hurt myself.
Worse yet what if I get sick or someone I love gets sick.
Oh my God what if I'm talking to someone and I have snot hanging out of my nose!" Well those are some of the thoughts my friend has :) yours may be different.
But the point is, aren't most of the things we fear in life kind of silly.
I mean most of them never even happen, but we spend a lot of mental energy on fearing them.
Your freedom and happiness really get zapped by fear.
It stops you from doing the things in life that you love to do.
You get too busy focusing on the "what ifs" or on having an awful experience.
Fear in life is an energy drainer! It robs you of your positive vibrant energy.
So how do you reclaim your energy? By being able to release fears! Here is how you can release fears: First let go of wanting it to happen.
You may recall my article on the "law of attraction" where I talk about how the mind sees in pictures, and what we focus on we attract? So what happens when you focus on what you fear? Right, you attract it into your life.
What you fear will appear! By trying to avoid what you fear, you call it to mind over and over again.
Does this make sense? You don't say to yourself that you want to get hurt.
You don't say, I want to lose all my money, or I want to trip over the chair.
But we all have said the opposite.
Every time you do, you're holding what you fear in mind.
True? Now, when you're in the middle of feeling fear just allow yourself to feel it, feel the feeling of fear.
Notice where it's located, then give yourself permission to let it go.
Just imagine that energy of fear releasing from your body.
It works, it really does.
Every-time you do this it gets easier to release fears.
Another thing you can do is figure out what the worst possible scenario would be.
If you lost your job, get clear on exactly what that means.
Don't let your mind automatically assume the worst.
It could be that a better situation is on the way! One more tip on fear in life; let whatever is going on with your life be o.
Let go of your attachments and aversions.
Try to see that everything is unfolding the way it should be.
Even feel gratitude for the fear.
See the perfection in the imperfection.
Many others have already release fears in life using Pathway to Power, want to be next?
Worse yet what if I get sick or someone I love gets sick.
Oh my God what if I'm talking to someone and I have snot hanging out of my nose!" Well those are some of the thoughts my friend has :) yours may be different.
But the point is, aren't most of the things we fear in life kind of silly.
I mean most of them never even happen, but we spend a lot of mental energy on fearing them.
Your freedom and happiness really get zapped by fear.
It stops you from doing the things in life that you love to do.
You get too busy focusing on the "what ifs" or on having an awful experience.
Fear in life is an energy drainer! It robs you of your positive vibrant energy.
So how do you reclaim your energy? By being able to release fears! Here is how you can release fears: First let go of wanting it to happen.
You may recall my article on the "law of attraction" where I talk about how the mind sees in pictures, and what we focus on we attract? So what happens when you focus on what you fear? Right, you attract it into your life.
What you fear will appear! By trying to avoid what you fear, you call it to mind over and over again.
Does this make sense? You don't say to yourself that you want to get hurt.
You don't say, I want to lose all my money, or I want to trip over the chair.
But we all have said the opposite.
Every time you do, you're holding what you fear in mind.
True? Now, when you're in the middle of feeling fear just allow yourself to feel it, feel the feeling of fear.
Notice where it's located, then give yourself permission to let it go.
Just imagine that energy of fear releasing from your body.
It works, it really does.
Every-time you do this it gets easier to release fears.
Another thing you can do is figure out what the worst possible scenario would be.
If you lost your job, get clear on exactly what that means.
Don't let your mind automatically assume the worst.
It could be that a better situation is on the way! One more tip on fear in life; let whatever is going on with your life be o.
Let go of your attachments and aversions.
Try to see that everything is unfolding the way it should be.
Even feel gratitude for the fear.
See the perfection in the imperfection.
Many others have already release fears in life using Pathway to Power, want to be next?