How to Touch Up Gray Roots If Your Hair Is Streaked
- 1). Brush hair thoroughly with a soft bristle brush.
- 2). Wash hair with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Do not condition hair.
- 3). Put on latex gloves to protect hands from the peroxide.
- 4). Comb a 20% peroxide mixture into the gray roots. Allow the treatment to sit in the hair for five to 10 minutes.
- 5). Rinse peroxide treatment with a mild shampoo specialized for color treated hair. Apply conditioner and allow it to sit in the hair for up to five minutes before rinsing out.
- 6). Choose a home hair color that best matches the type of streaks in your own hair. Many home coloring kits replenish the low-lights, mid-tones and highlights that appear in streaked hair.
- 7). Follow the directions that accompany the home hair color kit, but only apply the color to the roots of the hair.