How to Pop a Pimple
How you experience any art form of how to pop a pimple? Okay, it does sound rather nasty, yet I think we all have done it at one time another.
It's simply part of being human.
It's especially a part of being a teenager.
I for one understand how to pop a pimple, and how to do it without causing a nasty scar.
Yes you heard me correctly, there is a method to this madness.
A real science to parallel the art.
Okay maybe that's getting a little carried away.
While most of us may have to endure the pangs of acne, we don't have to take it lying down.
With an overdose of information, and products galore pitched as constantly, we can evolve beyond struggling with acne, and proceed in dilating it forever.
It's pimple popping 101, or put another way it's time to learn how to pop a pimple.
Don't you just hate waking up and shuffling to the bathroom, only to peer up at your reflection and catch sight of a massive zit?What's worse yet is if the somehow decided to land right on the tip of your nose.
Oh now that is nasty.
Oh my, those babies can not only be attention-getters, but they can be downright painful too.
So now you're left with a decision to make.
What do you do next?Are you just going to leave it there and pretend it isn't a third eye? Ha, that's not going to happen is it? Just because Cosmo and other fashion magazines tell you never to pinch or squeeze, doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't.
We have all been told by someone that popping zits is an the best idea in the world.
You may even end up with a permanent scar to remind you of your visitor.
That is not very desirable.
Well, that definitely can happen.
However, too many of these so-called cosmetic journals/sources never instruct us on how to pop a pimple correctly.
It sounds kind of funny, but there is a safe way to go about it.
First off, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face to purge your skin of dirt, oil and bacteria.
Now you're going to need the tissue which you will put on your index finger tips.
This is going to act as a buffer when it stops your nails from scratching your skin, and also helps to keep bacteria off the face.
The tissue also help you to get a better grip.
Then you can GENTLY applied pressure on either side of the blemish.
This hopefully will rid that zit of all its internal nastiness.
Try not to press more than twice.
You don't want to irritate your skin, hence causing it to swell.
And that's how to pop a pimple.
In the end, most sources will caution you not to pinch, squeeze, or pop pimples in general, but truth be told, how else are you going to get rid of that nasty thing.
And I mean get rid of it now! If you need further information on how to pop a pimple, or simply to get rid of acne in general, go online and do some general searches.
There is a whole world of information waiting there for you.
It's simply part of being human.
It's especially a part of being a teenager.
I for one understand how to pop a pimple, and how to do it without causing a nasty scar.
Yes you heard me correctly, there is a method to this madness.
A real science to parallel the art.
Okay maybe that's getting a little carried away.
While most of us may have to endure the pangs of acne, we don't have to take it lying down.
With an overdose of information, and products galore pitched as constantly, we can evolve beyond struggling with acne, and proceed in dilating it forever.
It's pimple popping 101, or put another way it's time to learn how to pop a pimple.
Don't you just hate waking up and shuffling to the bathroom, only to peer up at your reflection and catch sight of a massive zit?What's worse yet is if the somehow decided to land right on the tip of your nose.
Oh now that is nasty.
Oh my, those babies can not only be attention-getters, but they can be downright painful too.
So now you're left with a decision to make.
What do you do next?Are you just going to leave it there and pretend it isn't a third eye? Ha, that's not going to happen is it? Just because Cosmo and other fashion magazines tell you never to pinch or squeeze, doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't.
We have all been told by someone that popping zits is an the best idea in the world.
You may even end up with a permanent scar to remind you of your visitor.
That is not very desirable.
Well, that definitely can happen.
However, too many of these so-called cosmetic journals/sources never instruct us on how to pop a pimple correctly.
It sounds kind of funny, but there is a safe way to go about it.
First off, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face to purge your skin of dirt, oil and bacteria.
Now you're going to need the tissue which you will put on your index finger tips.
This is going to act as a buffer when it stops your nails from scratching your skin, and also helps to keep bacteria off the face.
The tissue also help you to get a better grip.
Then you can GENTLY applied pressure on either side of the blemish.
This hopefully will rid that zit of all its internal nastiness.
Try not to press more than twice.
You don't want to irritate your skin, hence causing it to swell.
And that's how to pop a pimple.
In the end, most sources will caution you not to pinch, squeeze, or pop pimples in general, but truth be told, how else are you going to get rid of that nasty thing.
And I mean get rid of it now! If you need further information on how to pop a pimple, or simply to get rid of acne in general, go online and do some general searches.
There is a whole world of information waiting there for you.