How to Know Whether This Guy is Marriage Material Or Not? Know This Before You Make a Mistake
A good marriage depends on the choices one makes.
The best way to ensure a happy marriage is to marry the right person.
Here are ways to help you judge whether the guy is perfect for you or not.
Does he treat you right? A man's behavior and how he treats his woman gives him away.
If he is kind, gentle, courteous and caring all the time, then it proves that he really cares for her.
Check and see if your guy is consistently good to you or whether he is just nice to you when he wants something from you.
Can he forgive? Nobody is perfect.
There are plenty of opportunities during your courtship days to see whether your man accepts you just the way you are.
There will be times when you will need him to forgive you just as he needs you to be compassionate and forgiving.
These times will prove whether he is capable of being understanding and forgiving.
These traits are very important in the man you propose to marry.
Does he satisfy your needs? Once you are in a relationship it is easy to see if the man is selfish or not.
A man who is selfish and does not bother about his partner's needs is not marriage material.
He should be willing to satisfy your desires and be ready to go out of his way to see that you are happy and content.
Is he willing to commit? Commitment is a very big issue and one can easily know if a man is perfect for marriage or not by his reaction and willingness to commit.
Is your man ready and willing to get into a long term relationship with you? Is he willing to talk about marriage and all that it entails? Find out what he thinks about kids - you will instinctively know if he is the one or not for you.
Does he put you first? How important are you to your man? You should be the most precious person on the earth for him.
Only if he is ready to give you the first place in his life and give you priority over his friends etc, be ready to walk down the aisle with him.
If a man treats you like a doormat or a slave, he is the wrong choice.
Does he make you happy? How happy are you when you are with him? You should not have to pretend to be happy when you are with your man.
Happiness and joy should automatically flood your being when you are with him.
If you find that your man never bothers about your well being and couldn't care less about you, then it is obvious that he does not love you at all.
Is he responsible? When you are looking for a man to marry then it is obvious that he should have the qualities of a good husband.
A strong sense of responsibility and accountability is what you should look for.
He should be willing to look after his family and shoulder all responsibilities in future.