Plantar Fasciitis and 3 Tips to Help You Heal From Surgery
If you just had Plantar Fasciitis Surgery, or are about to, there are some important tips that can make you heal faster and better.
Did your doctor give you any post-surgery self care advice? I hope so.
And, I bet nobody told you the following three bits of advice for healing.
First lets go over the basics of post foot surgery care: Stay off the affected foot or feet as much as possible for the first several days.
Keep the foot elevated to reduce swelling.
Keep the incisions clean to avoid infection.
Start being on your feet a little at a time, and build up as your feet heal.
You will also be advised to take anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs.
This is not a bad idea for the first several days and even up to two weeks.
Pain is no fun.
Remember, surgery causes injury to the plantar fascia of your foot.
The Plantar Fascia is a complex sheet of connective tissue that connects to everything on the bottom of your foot.
The body isn't going to be happy that someone went in there with a sharp object and went cutting on it.
And, the body is a healing machine.
If you hurt yourself, your body will do everything in it's power to heal.
The problem is, the way the body heals it doesn't get us back to 100%, and there are other factors that complicate the healing process, both slowing it down and reducing the effectiveness of how we heal.
3 Tips To Heal Faster and Better Tip #1.
Increase the amount of protein that you eat.
Your connective tissue, and the scar tissue that lays down after Plantar Fasciitis surgery, is made up of protein fibers.
If you want to heal faster, eat more protein.
We need protein for fuel, to replace what breaks down in normal daily metabolism, and then more to build muscle and/or heal from damage.
Most Americans eat too many calories, but not enough protein.
If you want to heal faster, eat more protein.
Tip #2.
Keep your foot moving.
Movement is life.
When we have surgery we are told to keep the body part immobilized.
Probably you were told to keep your foot in the protective boot and not to move it.
It's true, too much movement can cause tearing of the tissue that was cut on as it is trying to heal.
But there is a whole host of problems that come with immobilizing your foot after surgery.
If you want to heal faster and better, keep your foot moving just a -little- bit.
As much as you can, wiggle your toes, flex and extend your foot -just- a little bit.
All day long.
This keeps things mobile, keeps circulation going, and give the nervous system a constant update on how things are doing.
Keep your foot moving just a little bit.
All day long.
Tip #3.
As soon as the incisions heal, start Ice Dipping.
Inflammation is your biggest foe.
You already had an inflammation process in place, now you have a worse one due to the damage surgery caused.
Elevating your foot is not enough.
You want to start using cold as soon as possible.
You can use ice packs through a sock immediately.
As soon as the incisions heal, you can start using an Ice Dip.
Dip your foot(feet) into a plastic tub full of ice water at least ten times per day, for 10 seconds a dip.
You are after the cumulative effect of repetitive ice dips.
Ice Dipping is the most effective way to kick out the inflammation process.
You'll just have to trust me on that one.
Follow these three tips after getting Plantar Fasciitis surgery, and you will be amazed how much faster you start to feel better.
Did your doctor give you any post-surgery self care advice? I hope so.
And, I bet nobody told you the following three bits of advice for healing.
First lets go over the basics of post foot surgery care: Stay off the affected foot or feet as much as possible for the first several days.
Keep the foot elevated to reduce swelling.
Keep the incisions clean to avoid infection.
Start being on your feet a little at a time, and build up as your feet heal.
You will also be advised to take anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs.
This is not a bad idea for the first several days and even up to two weeks.
Pain is no fun.
Remember, surgery causes injury to the plantar fascia of your foot.
The Plantar Fascia is a complex sheet of connective tissue that connects to everything on the bottom of your foot.
The body isn't going to be happy that someone went in there with a sharp object and went cutting on it.
And, the body is a healing machine.
If you hurt yourself, your body will do everything in it's power to heal.
The problem is, the way the body heals it doesn't get us back to 100%, and there are other factors that complicate the healing process, both slowing it down and reducing the effectiveness of how we heal.
3 Tips To Heal Faster and Better Tip #1.
Increase the amount of protein that you eat.
Your connective tissue, and the scar tissue that lays down after Plantar Fasciitis surgery, is made up of protein fibers.
If you want to heal faster, eat more protein.
We need protein for fuel, to replace what breaks down in normal daily metabolism, and then more to build muscle and/or heal from damage.
Most Americans eat too many calories, but not enough protein.
If you want to heal faster, eat more protein.
Tip #2.
Keep your foot moving.
Movement is life.
When we have surgery we are told to keep the body part immobilized.
Probably you were told to keep your foot in the protective boot and not to move it.
It's true, too much movement can cause tearing of the tissue that was cut on as it is trying to heal.
But there is a whole host of problems that come with immobilizing your foot after surgery.
If you want to heal faster and better, keep your foot moving just a -little- bit.
As much as you can, wiggle your toes, flex and extend your foot -just- a little bit.
All day long.
This keeps things mobile, keeps circulation going, and give the nervous system a constant update on how things are doing.
Keep your foot moving just a little bit.
All day long.
Tip #3.
As soon as the incisions heal, start Ice Dipping.
Inflammation is your biggest foe.
You already had an inflammation process in place, now you have a worse one due to the damage surgery caused.
Elevating your foot is not enough.
You want to start using cold as soon as possible.
You can use ice packs through a sock immediately.
As soon as the incisions heal, you can start using an Ice Dip.
Dip your foot(feet) into a plastic tub full of ice water at least ten times per day, for 10 seconds a dip.
You are after the cumulative effect of repetitive ice dips.
Ice Dipping is the most effective way to kick out the inflammation process.
You'll just have to trust me on that one.
Follow these three tips after getting Plantar Fasciitis surgery, and you will be amazed how much faster you start to feel better.