Definition: gretl: The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library The GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-Series Library (gretl) is a software package for econometric analysis. It is currently at an experimental, "alpha", stage. The package comprises a shared library, a command-line client program, and a graphical client built using GTK+. This package provides the GTK+ client and the command-line client.
Source: Debian 3.0r0 APT / Linux Dictionary V 0.16
Author: Binh Nguyen linuxfilesystem(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
> Linux/Unix/Computing Glossary
Source: Debian 3.0r0 APT / Linux Dictionary V 0.16
Author: Binh Nguyen linuxfilesystem(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
> Linux/Unix/Computing Glossary