How to Adjust Vinyl Blinds
- 1). Lower the blinds fully, so they cover your window.
- 2). Count the number of blinds that extend beyond the lowest part of your window sill or below the portion of the window or wall you don't want covered.
- 3). Turning the rotating arm to open the blinds. Opening the vinyl blinds will allow you easier access without having to turn them or risk bending them.
- 4). Loosen the lift cord by using the Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the twin plastic joiners fixed to the "connecting" blind.
- 5). Add slack to the lift cord by untwining it from the blinds you need to extract.
- 6). Extract excess blinds as needed to arrive at the desired length, making sure not to remove the connecting blind.
- 7). Remove the slack in the lift cord by threading the cord back through the blinds as evenly as possible, allowing excess string to hang below the connecting blind.
- 8). Tighten the plastic joiners with the Phillips screwdriver.
- 9). Snip the excess string hanging below the connecting blind, using the scissors.