What Is a Gentle Underwire?
- Underwiring gives lift to the breasts.beauty redheaded girl in bra image by Anatoly Tiplyashin from Fotolia.com
Since the invention of the bra (or brassiere) in 1863, underwiring has been one of the key elements that give support and shape to the breasts and allow women to move about freely without the discomforting jiggling of their breasts. - Gentle underwiring will give support but is more comfortable to wear.sexy blondie in black bra image by starush from Fotolia.com
Gentle underwiring is a term that it sometimes used to describe modern bras that are underwired but are made more comfortable, either by placing foam or extra soft material around the wire to prevent the wire digging in or poking the rib cage. - The sports bra gives added support for active women.girl running in jog bra image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Other bras that that have been designed for comfort include the sports bra, T-shirt bra, nursing bra and full-figure bra.
Bras and Underwiring
Gentle Underwiring
Other Comfort Bras