Physiology is Energy
I mean an unbelievable message.
And if you're reading this right now all the power that I've summoned is going to hit you like a thousand ton of bricks.
And you're going to wonder where this energy came from.
And where this power is born, and I will tell you; I will share this wonderful secret that you probably already knew.
I've gone on a quest.
A far reaching quest first of all to master my energy.
I've looked everywhere for the power that would enable me to be a master communicator.
To be the greatest speaker the world has ever known.
To harness the power of a thousand selves and direct it to whatever end I desire, and I found it.
I know the question is burning a hole in your mind now - the anticipation is killing you.
So I'll share it now.
Physiology is energy.
What do I mean? I mean that Physiology literally is energy.
It's not merely a state of being, it's energy.
It's the combined energy of your entire energy body.
I mean your body is literally energy matter.
It is being used by your brain as a material instrument with which to function in this physical world.
I didn't quite understand it before - the link between mind and body, but I do now.
It's more than simply a matter of being a functioning vehicle.
It's literally the energy mechanism that you have to function in this world.
The more control you EXERT on it, the more energy you will have.
Notice I didn't say, the more control you HAVE, I said the more control you EXERT on it.
For example, I want you to hold your right hand out in front of you now while you read this.
Go ahead, I know it sounds silly but DO IT NOW.
Hold your right hand out in front of you and I want you to squeeze your right hand.
Open it, and squeeze it tight.
Do this again and again - do it a few more times.
You control that right? Now I want you to take your left hand - hold it out in front of you and squeeze with your left hand now.
Open your left hand, close it, open it, close it, you control that right? I want you to hold both hands out in front of you and open and close them.
I want you to do it rapidly.
Now, I want you go where there is a mirror.
We are going to take this exercise to the next level.
I know this sounds very silly, but I'm serious.
If you don't have a mirror nearby right now, I want you to print this out and I want you to get a mirror NOW this is a life changing moment.
If only I could jerk you around in person and show you how important this is.
But since I can't, I want you to take full control over your laziness right now, get up, print this out, or carry a mirror over to you, or carry your computer over to a mirror.
Are you ready? Do this NOW! Now we are ready.
I want you to look into the mirror with your regular "face".
By that I mean the face that you show to the world every day when you walk up and down the street.
When you are driving in your car, when you see strangers walking by - I want you to make that face NOW.
Great you're doing a fantastic job.
Now - what does this "face" say about you? What kind of energy are you projecting? To go further - I want you to speak in your regular speaking voice.
Say "Hello, how are you?" And I want you to think about what kind of energy you are projecting while you say this.
Now I want you to do something really strange.
I want you to talk to yourself about a topic that you know well.
Pretend you are addressing an audience and explaining it to them.
I want you to watch yourself as you talk into the mirror.
If people are around - who cares, they will learn to love you again.
Now are you talking to yourself? Good keep going.
Tell yourself all the things you know about the subject you know so much about.
Great - you should have no shortage of information.
I want you to pay careful attention to the flow and energy of your voice.
The facial expressions you use to convey your message (because normally we look into the mirror and we NEVER talk to ourselves, so we never see our talking face in the mirror, or the expressions that we make while we're talking.
We live with ourselves longer than we live with anyone else, yet people know our face often much better than we do.
Crazy eh? It's time that you know more than just how your face is communicating your message to the world.
) Now as you talk I want you to pay attention to your body language.
If you can get a big mirror for this exercise all the better.
If you can see your full body, man you're set! Now I want you to pay attention to the way you are framing your weight right now.
How do you stand as you talk? What kind of hand gestures are you using as you speak? Are they fluid and crisp? Jerky? Dull and boring, blah blah? This is your energy.
This is your physiology.
Your physiology is your energy.
This is the communication vibration that you send to anyone who observes you on a daily basis.
What kind of vibration are you sending out? What kind of wavelength is your communication riding on? This is more than communication - this is how you feel while you communicate.
This is an emotional connection.
This is energy, this is EVERYTHING! Do you understand? Can I make it any clearer? This is HUGE! I want to mix things up now.
This is going to seem pretty crazy, but hey, if life isn't crazy - what is? I want you to play the role of someone super confident, super energetic, super charged up.
I want you to be this person NOW.
I want you to speak like you would as a person at the peak of their presentation.
Energy level at the highest it could possibly be.
More confident than a fertile rooster.
More lively than a Tony Robbins seminar on crack.
I want you to go to a higher level than you ever possibly thought you could take your physiology.
I literally want you to FEEL yourself going beyond just NORMAL.
You must break the normal threshold.
You must go to a level that you would have normally considered abnormal.
I'm serious now.
Take it up, take it up to the highest notch you humanly can.
Talk to your self, project your energy.
Gesture with full confidence, crispness, and liveliness - take full control of your body and FEEL the energy rising within you as you do so.
I want you to now change the content of your message - maintain this high level of energy.
And tell yourself that you are taking full control of your physiology for now on.
That you are unsheathing this material body and you are allowing the energy inside of you to flow out.
I want you to fully try to grasp what this means.
You are no longer going to allow the physical body and your senses to control the content or quality of your message or your emotions.
Now you are controlling physiology to the highest degree possibly.
I showed you in the beginning with a single hand you can control the opening and closing of a fist.
You can control two hands at the same time.
I want you to stomp your feet.
If you doubt whether you can control your physiology for the rest of your life, I want you to laugh out loud right now directly at your own face! Do this now! I'm serious, laugh out loud to yourself anytime you think that you can't fully control your physiology.
I want you to walk around the room now as if you are giving a lesson on controlling Physiology.
How powerful it is, and how you've learned to take full control over your body now.
How you will use it as an instrument to fully convey to the world the real you, the real message, with high energy potency.
Now you don't always have to be at the peak of your energy state - by that I mean you don't have to try to burn yourself out at the highest level, now I want you to say the words, "Composed" and drop it down a notch, but maintain the level of CONTROL that you have over your physiology.
So your energy will come down, but your CONTROL will be maintained.
I want you to speak as a COMPOSED person would speak.
Gesture as a COMPOSED person would gesture.
Now I want you to take it back up a notch.
Go back to the highest energy level and psych yourself up again! Now I want you to BREAK STATE.
By this I mean I want you to go back to your regular face again.
I want you to look at yourself BORING.
And I want you to slump your shoulders and act as though you had just worked 24 hours and you had no sleep.
You just ate a dozen doughnuts and watched 8 hours of TV.
Drop yourself to the absolute extreme of low.
I mean lower than you've ever been in a LONG time.
I mean super low.
And if you can make yourself ugly - do it now.
Give yourself your ugliest looking face, mess up your hair, wear your ugliest shirts, pretend someone just insulted you - and do this all now.
Feel it, drop to the lowest energy level you possibly can.
This is HUGELY important.
I know this is kind of depressing *tear* but what you're demonstrating once again is FULL CONTROL over your physiology.
And you're demonstrating it on an extreme scale.
Do you understand how powerful that is? You're controlling the scale of energy through your physiology.
I have not told you to do anything else other than control and direct your physiology and your physical energy has been the result.
Do you understand that? You are controlling your physical energy on a MASSIVE scale.
Perhaps more massive than you ever have - in an instant! You're controlling the way you're acting, the way you're behaving, the way you're talking, the way you even consume air, you're controlling all of it to reach these higher or lower level energy states.
Now I want you to BREAK STATE again.
Shake off the depression and jump back up to the highest level that you were at before.
And I want you to SWEAR to yourself in the mirror in this excited state - that you will forever take control of your physiology.
That any time you drop in emotional control - you will find a way to get by yourself and run through this exercise again; maximizing your gestures.
Make GRAND gestures - uplift your arms and hands and bring them together.
Clasp your palms together tightly, and articulate your words with your hands.
Connect on every point.
Emphasize with your face, and your hands, and your passionate voice.
Make it very clear that you will forever control your physiology.
Now that you've unlocked the door and you recognize it's something you CAN control 100% just like the opening and closing of your fist, you will FOREVER control your physiology and in doing so, control your energy.
Now before we conclude this exercise I want you to do something very important.
I want you to go lay down in your bed.
And I want you to break state again as you do this.
I want you to pretend like you just had a normal day at work.
You are walking like the OLD you used to walk.
I want you to lie down in bed like the OLD you would have laid down in bed.
And I want you to think like the OLD you would have thought.
And I want you to lay there for a few moments and let yourself relax.
Just totally drop away from the excited you and relax into a calm state.
After you do this for a few minutes I want you to literally JUMP out of bed! And go crazy! Make very excited gestures; talk very excitedly, very grandly very confidently very enthusiastically.
And I want you to swear to yourself that you will do this every morning for the next week - or more if you should choose.
But recognize that you have FULL control over HOW you wake up in the morning REGARDLESS of how you feel.
This is an important distinction.
Often we let how we FEEL determine how we act.
When you control how you act on a peak scale the control you can exert on how you feel becomes much more pronounced.
I'm not just telling you to "smile" and be happy.
I'm telling you to literally go beyond behaving like a normal person.
To literally go to the realm of craziness in talking to yourself and behaving in a manner which you would never behave in a million years.
Obviously within healthy confinements but in a manner which reaches into the depth of your psyche and draws out energy that you never knew you had before FEEL this experience and we'll conclude with one final exercise.
Lay back down in bed.
You're going to program this exercise into your brain permanently.
I want to sum up this experience in three words.
Physiology is Energy.
Physiology is Energy.
Physiology is Energy.
Repeat this 100 times.
Then conclude by saying, "I will break any thought that may cause me to doubt whether I can control my physiology and my energy for the rest of my life - I have full control.
I will not a let a single person, a single event, a single experience in my life ever cause me to lose control over my physiology.
I will not let anything cause me to lose control over my physiology.
I shall control my physiology for the rest of my life.
" Now remember there will times when this NEW you gets a negative reception.
People won't know how to react when your physiology is crisp, vibrant and different.
Do not accept this as "rejection".
Move past this.
Be willing to sacrifice the comfortable familiarity of your former self - and move into the realm of a higher energy being, capable of articulating and communicating clearly with the full bodily instrument.
That's your face, your voice, your body and projection of energy.
You will notice a significant difference in all of your interactions from this time forward if you maintain a consciousness about your physiology.
That means - as long as you are aware of the energy your physiology is creating - and if you don't like what it's creating - you control it! Now there are some other factors at play here that you must be aware of.
You must get sleep.
You must exercise, eat healthy, you must drink plenty of water, you must meditate, you must, MUST eat fruit on a regular basis.
These are the keys to maintaining the storage of energy.
Physiology is the way of controlling it to the maximum degree.
Try this exercise out in its fullest and you will NEVER be the same.
Knowledge Expands Immediately After Digestion, by James Rick Can you consider for a moment what it means to condense an entire life experience into a 300 page book? In terms of time, energy and other resources that go into a "life experience" it's a lot like a movie production.
Sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars and several years go into making a movie.
The result is condensed into two - three hours at around $6 - 10.
Would you agree that is pretty incredible? I consumed another book today.
"Think Big" by Ben Carlson, Ph.
Born on the streets and rising to the level of a distinguished surgeon, the central theme of his book was learning.
Fortunate enough to have a strict but loving mother - Ben quickly learned that books took him from the bottom of his class to the top.
This motivated him to learn all he could and prove that he was worth a whole lot more than he was making himself out to be at the time.
Robert Tracy, founder of Dot Foods started his multi-billion dollar enterprise out of his station wagon.
It's no accident that Robert also happened to be an avaricious reader - quoted as saying something to the affect, "I felt if I read enough books I'd know all of the knowledge in the world!" Warren Buffet, on record as the second richest person in the world, is said to read an entire book all in one setting.
There are stories of uneducated but passionate people succeeding in life.
For instance I have a friend whose father owns a paint business.
The 25 years after starting his paint business he's a multi-millionaire.
Not surprisingly after 25 years of being in business his operation is almost as streamlined as you can get.
Methods for painting quickly and efficiently have been perfected over the years.
Although I'm sure he never once picked up a book on how to start a painting business - the amount of learning he accomplished through trial and error over 25 years would be enough to fill volumes on how to start a painting business.
What's exciting about the knowledge of others is that we're always given leverage on the person with more experience than us.
In other words - we get to benefit from the trail they've blazed.
Systems that have taken decades to develop can be used now by someone just starting out - and in the same amount of time it took to develop the original system, they will be exponentially further ahead.
Like take for instance take the Psychology of Achievement program by Brian Tracy.
Or the Science of Personal Achievement by Napolean Hill.
Or the OPA life management system developed by Tony Robbins.
These systems evolved over many years and in some of the most challenging life situations.
Yet in a few short days or weeks anyone, particularly a young person, can consume the knowledge of these programs and immediately be ahead of the people responsible for developing them! So your assignment for today is this - write down these three questions and put them in a place where you can see them and answer them in your head every day.
1) What did I learn today that will aid me in the future? 2) What did I teach today that will aid someone else in the future? 3) What do I focus on daily? (Focus is the Mother of Manifestation)